The boat was launched 10 days ago. A close friend was along to keep me from doing anything particularly stupid on the inaugural launch. All went well and, thankfully, concerns about the cabin weight in the front were not justified. It sits in the water nicely. The cockpit does drain aft. I briefly opened up the new motor and saw 48 mph. Cruise numbers are approximately 30 mph at 3000 rpm and 3 mpg. (Amazingly, my old 21' Parker with a 175 Johnson 2 stroke at the same speed/rpm got half that mpg!) More detailed performance numbers will follow, but that 250 Etec is pretty sweet thus far.
My schedule and the weather have not cooperated for getting good photos to post, so I've been working on the aft cabin bulkhead/doors, using 1/2" starboard with acrylic windows to keep the weight down. (Don't want to push my luck on the forward weight issue.) We had our first cold snap this past weekend, so that enclosed cabin with a little duck blind heater is going to be really nice for winter boating.