Originally Posted by Bushwacker
Although there is no such thing as too much HP on a race boat, I'd vote for the 433 lb 150/175/200 hp 2.7L small block E-Tec instead of the 515 lb 3.4L 250/300 hp big block . . . it's too much weight for the 20' hull, especially with a bracket and jackplate. And you'll never be able to use all of the 275 or so hp available in that HO unless you only run it on a river in flat water!
I'd use it just fine when conditions permitted, lol. I know how much they and hydraulic jackpates weigh. I'm sure if money was NO object the weight could be manipulated enough to do it and have a wonderful toy. Definitely not as versatile as some others but if money was no object a 20SC wouldn't be my only boat and I wouldn't care much either.
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.