It's been a great season with the "new" version of this boat. Like a lot of guys on here, my boat's had a long successful life, and I hope she lasts another 30+ years in her new form. Also like a lot of guys up here, it was a frustrating year for tuna, but we had a few solid days and nights bass fishing and it was great to get out to Stellwagen a handful of times and the Sword with confidence. Fished a few ugly days offshore and got everything I expected out of the boat. Got down the cape and over to OB a couple times, had a bunch of fun sand bar and raft up days with the wife and friends, and really got everything I'd hoped out of the season... except a tuna! Hoping to get out a couple more times and chase some bass before putting her away for the long winter. Hope everyone enjoyed/is enjoying their boating season as much as I have. Cheers guys.