Help wih recoring tank hatch
I am going to recore the fuel tank hatch on my 23 Sceptre and would like the thumbs up from the pros before I do it. I used the search function but want to make sure I am OK.
The hatch is about 27 x 48. This is my plan: 1.remove bottom skin from hatch and remove the old wood. . ( already done. 3/8" Plywood squares was the original core. ) 2. Cut a piece 3/8 ply 1" smaller than than the hatch size. Bevel edge. 3. Seal plywood with one coat of epoxy resin 4. Wet out hatch with epoxy 5. Lay one layer of fiberglass cloth over the hatch 6. Place plywood on the hatch and hold down with weights ( Do I need to drill relief holes in the ply to avoid getting air voids) 7. Use thickened epoxy to fill in the gap between the plywood and edge of hatch 8. Wet out the plywood with epoxy and place bottom skin back on hatch 9. Use thickened epoxy to fair the the edge where the skin was removed. |