Originally Posted by Ironmanangler
Thanks. I plan closing the transom and adding a bracket. Want to power it with Yamaha 200 I4. I'm also thinking of going with a smaller tank then the original. I'm still in the planning phase. Thank you for the input. Keepem coming
FYI - Since you're in the planning phase, better plan on moving gas tank, batteries and console as far forward as possible! Don't know if you've read my post on the subject, but a bracket, heavy motor and smaller gas tank on a 20 are all moving in the direction to adversely affecting CG/balance, self bailing capability and ride of the boat! If CG isn't corrected, you can expect a min planing speed in the low 20's. As originally designed and powered, these boats would plane at about 12 mph, which is a big deal if you plan to run offshore in big seas!