23CC Evinrude 225 WOT..
'86 23CC with a 2005 Evinrude 225. No name, no number prop. So I don't have a clue on pitch and size. No trim tabs (well currently not working)
WOT is currently 5000rpm and 33-34 knots based on boat mounted GPS. Planes out at 3800-4000rpm. Engine is capable of 6200rpm. New throttle cables so next time I'm down at the boat I'm going to pull the cover off the engine and make sure I'm getting full opening on the TB.
I'd like to be able to get redline if I wanted to (for whatever reason there would be for that) but don't "need" to. 40+ knots at a decent RPM would be nice to make the tower run on a calm day that much shorter but again; that's a want not a need.
Should I start messing with prop sizes or leave well enough alone?