03-21-2019, 09:58 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: W.P.B. ,Fl.
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Originally Posted by jorgeinmiami
So today I was GIVEN a Evinrude 150 Intruder from a friend that was the original owner and has, by his accounts and from what I've seen, very low hours. He wanted to get a 4stroke on his boat and I was at the right place at the right time.
I also took the bot to 2 fiberglass shops to get the boat FINISHED!
Quoted me at the 1st shop $3500 with Awlgrip in my choice of colors.
2nd one quoted $5000 and he pointed out some additional things that are going to be needed.
The fever to get it finished is back!!!
I plan on selling a 21 Mako Walk Around that is in very nice shape and concentrate on the Seacraft!!!
Good move there.