23 Seacraft Repower question
New to me 1972 23 Seacraft Master Angler. Was running a 250 ox66 which died the other day. 25" Shaft on original transom ( no bracket). The boat was redone in 2002 so the transom is in very good shape. Original console, no ttop and batteries are under console. I do not use the rear live well.
I was very happy with how the boat ran with the ox66. I am considering a used yamaha f300 outboard
My question is will the boat be able to handle the added weight of the 4 stroke? I have read the hill is rated for up to 400hp. Has anyone hung a 300 on a non bracketed 23 and how did they like how the boat handled?
I have spent the past few days reading through old posts and most of the 300hp are on brackets. Any advice would be appreciated.