Transom Question on a 23
Hey guys just picked up a 1975 23 Sceptre hull that I am going to completely redo and make into a center console fishing machine. Hull is already stripped deck is out and the previous owner closed the transom last year and the boat just sat for a year under a tent. My question is the previous owner used two sheets of 3/4” marine ply but did not glass inbetween the sheets. He used thickened polyester resin with cabosil. It seems very well bonded but I’ve been told usually there should be glass inbetween the sheets. Do we think it is good with just the thickened resin? He also did a nice Coosa strongback that is tabbed into everything with 2 layers of 1708. The inside of the transom has 4 layers of 1708 on it so 6 layers where the tabbing is. I’ll attach some pictures please share some insight if you can. Really excited for this project!