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Old 09-14-2004, 11:01 AM
Ed Ed is offline
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Default Everyone Please Read

I don't want to preach about boating safety but I thought I would tell this story in the event that it may save some lives.

This past Saturday after work, around 6:00pm or so, I fired up the Mako and headed down the Merrimack River toward the ocean to do a little bit of fishing. I had just passed the toothpick (daymarker) at the east end of the mooring field and opened up the boat to cruising speed when I saw a large cabin cruiser heading up river throwing up an enormous wake. The guy wasn't minding his wake and if you know the Merrimack River at all, there are a ton of small boats around. Anyway, I throttled back and went over the wake and slammed down the back side temporarily knocking out power to my GPS & fishfinder. I then got back on the throttle and proceeded to continue heading out the channel when I saw what I thought was a seal in the water (not uncommon) off my port bow. So, i slowed down and as I got closer I realized that it was a person who was in the channel. At first I thought this guy was going for a swim in a bad spot but then i finally realized that he had fallen overboard. So, I radioed the coast guard and told them that there was a person in the water and then i swung over toward him, killed the motor and fished him out. he was cold and obviously shaken up. He was not wearing a life jacket or a kill-switch tether and said that the weight of his sweatshirt had hindered his ability to stay afloat and he was forced to take it off. He also said he had been yelling for help, but I was the first person to see him.

I guess he was heading down river in his 20' center console when the wake caught him by surprise and threw him out of the boat. Luckily, he inadvertantly pushed the throttle in neutral so he was in no danger of running himself over or losing his boat.

The moral of the story is to always wear a lifejacket and a tether cord and pay attention to your surroundings.

I never used to wear a lifejacket because they were too bulky to fish with, but this year I have been wearing a Mustang Survival auto-inflating life jacket. The thing was not cheap, but it is comfortable and provides great flotation.

As a result of this incident, i will also start to wear my kill switch tether and encourage everyone else to do the same.

Thanks for reading this story.

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Old 09-14-2004, 03:12 PM
pogden pogden is offline
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That guy is very lucky you came along. I never wear a life jacket and don't have a tether cord.....but this has changed my mine.
Worry less, Fish more!
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Old 09-28-2004, 05:12 PM
Hooper Hooper is offline
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I bought a set of SOSpenders because my wife insisted as I fish alone quite a bit. I promised her i would wear them when I am on the boat alone anytime. They are really comfortable and many times, I forget they are on!

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Old 09-29-2004, 06:04 AM
Sleeto Sleeto is offline
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How many on this board use a tethered kill switch on a 23'? I do use one on my 20', but I thought because the 23' is larger and deeper that I wouldn't need it.

I also wear an inflatable Stromy Seas vest and find it very comfortable.
Paul, 1989 23' SC CC 250 hp Suzuki Four Stroke on Stainless Marine bracket
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Old 09-30-2004, 10:20 AM
RogueAngler RogueAngler is offline
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I allways wear the teather and encourage everyone that I boat/fish with to do the same while operating a boat. Having been thrown out of a boat that was not equipped with one while I was the only person in it, I realize how important these things are. Luckily I nor the boat were hurt. Besides the fact that the lanyard will save your life it will help out with the authorities as well. In Alabama you are required to wear it while operating an "open" vessel. I have noticed that it is usually the first thing that the Marine Police or CG look for when they conduct a search of your vessel. If you are wearing it things generally get a little easier.
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Old 09-30-2004, 11:19 AM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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I use the lanyard, took some time getting used to wearing it but I use it. The one and only time I got stopped for an "inspection", the marine patrol was surprised that I was using it and actually made comment on how they wished more people would use them. The gentleman stated that "most people either take them off or use them to hang "stuff" from." I run to the Keys alone quite often, at times at a rather high rate of speed [img]/images/graemlins/shocked.gif[/img], and if something were to happen, better safe then sorry in my book.
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 09-30-2004, 11:25 AM
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After I increased my life insurance policy last year my wife prefers me not warring any life saving equipment especially when I am running very fast in big seas. I think she got her eyes on that new Marcadies.
FellowShip [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]
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Old 09-30-2004, 07:20 PM
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" I run to the Keys alone quite often, at times at a rather high rate of speed
[img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]"Rather" [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]
"Classic SeaCraft" Lures


My wife and I had words,
But I didn't get to use mine."?"

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