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Old 01-13-2015, 03:06 PM
chriselk chriselk is offline
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Default sea craft 23 fuel tank placement

Redoing a 23. Two tanks came out, a smaller auxillary one forward (not going back in) and the main tank, 69 L, 28 W, and 12 high, which according to my calculations is about 100 gallons.

Since I will be going with a bracket and a single 250/300, how far forward should I place the new tank, of the same size? The tank was originally about 30 inches from the transom. The layout was the very large console with a front door and a large tray under it and then another large tray in front of that with the old auxillary.

The plan is to use the forward large tray that housed the aux tank as a locker. Can I move the tank three feet forward or is that too much? (remember no auxillary tank weight forward now).

There will be a full transom, with a smallish live well or a fishbox. Transom core is coosa 26.

Just worried a little about bow heavy if I move it too much.

I would appreciate those who have a similar setup letting me know their tank set up/dimensions.
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Old 01-13-2015, 04:04 PM
shine shine is offline
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I just happend to measure a bunch of things from my boat She is going to a new home tomorrow so I wanted to record some of the more important mass centers.

my boat has two 55gallon tanks, the first one starts at 66" forward of the transom (measured from cap/transom). that tank is 48" long, then there is a space/frame then the second (same size tank). My boat has a F250 yamaha on a bracket. I estiamte the center of the fuel mass (both tanks full) would be about 110" forward from the transom (measured from top of cap)

I also moved my console forward. Backside of the console is 102" forward.

With both tanks full, the forwad ice holds full, and no water in the boat well (50gallons located in leaning post), I woudl say she is just barely bow heavy while on plane, but on the other hand she stays up on plane better.

With only the rear tank full, you can run as fast as you want without any funny behavior from being bow heavy.

If you cant move your console, then I would move the tank up at least couple feet, and 3' will probably not hurt you
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