I guess there is something to be said about saving things. I bought a 1989 20 CC to restore and I'll build a cradle to work on it in the garage. I remembered that I have the lines drawings for two SeaCraft hull. I'll use the drawing to make the cradle. The 18' drawing is in good shape but the 20' is kind of rough. This was from my first paying job in the marine business in the early 1990's. A customer wanted to put these hand drawing into CAD. Unfortunately the software available to me at the time (and my skill level) were not up to the task.
In the title block the company and draftsman are blacked out but states that the drawings were produced from the molds. The 20 is dated 12/19/87, the 18 dated 1/2/88.
If anybody can use these, I might be able to get them scanned or copied.
Island Marine Group, LLC