need to get at flush mount FF/gps unit
I have replaced the sliding doors on the console of my 200I Lefty Kraig 20 MA with starboard and installed a Simrad Go9xse FF/GPS unit flush mount. But now I cannot get behind the unit to take the chip in/out if need for updates and also for the inline fuse - the enclosure is totally sealed off, the top part of the console has a floor which seals it off from the lower part of the console.
I would like to add a opening on the front face of the upper console opposite the back of the Go9sxe unit for easy access. Looking for ideas what to use - any deck plate / hatch has to be narrow hight wise, no more than 6 inches high. Thinking I would like a rectangular hatch/plate of some sort.
or maybe there are FF flush mounts that are designed to be taken out easily.