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Old 03-12-2012, 11:24 AM
shine shine is offline
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copied from my other thread............

motor is on. Its not going to be fast, but I am hoping for about 3.5 mpg with a cruise somewhere just north of 25 mph. We will see. Motor is a 2003 with 360 hours, its the left hand motor from a pair. bought the motor from a dealer in Stuart and they gave me a pretty good deal on hooking up the hydraulics and cables, they did in one afternoon and it would have taken me a week.

I put in fuel/water separators for each tank, selector valve and prime bulb are accessed through one of the transom boxes.

bilge is done. Pumps are all mounted and plumbed, so are the drains for the live well, live well overflow, and rear fish box.

Next up is making up the electrical system. I wanted to farm this out too, but the budget is about tapped so I will be doing it myself. The the last of the non-skid and we are ready for a test run Cant put the t-top on until the last - she wont fir back in the warehouse after the top goes on :|
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Old 03-13-2012, 09:43 PM
nate22 nate22 is offline
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Shine your project is coming together really good, cant wait to see the TTop on. Were did you get your bowrail from? was it custom made? is it SS steel our aluminium?
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Old 03-14-2012, 05:54 AM
Old'sCool Old'sCool is offline
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I tackled the wiring in my 23' also. These guys had great pricing, service, and install lugs correctly on larger cable so you can order to fit. I bought all my stuff from them.
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Old 03-14-2012, 08:04 AM
77SceptreOB 77SceptreOB is offline
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motor is on. Its not going to be fast, but I am hoping for about 3.5 mpg with a cruise somewhere just north of 25 mph. We will see.
With that 225, you should easily see a cruise of 25 mph. As for the "cruise" fuel economy, I doubt you will get 3.5 mpg, probably more like 2.5-3.0 mpg.
1977 SeaCraft 23' Sceptre W/ Alum Tower & Yamaha 225
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Old 03-14-2012, 09:04 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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I think Jim is right on with a 3.0 mpg projection, I only get about 2 mpg loaded. It's the load thay makes these numbers so hard to pin down. Took mine out yesterday for the first time in quite a while, just me and about 100 gal of fuel with a 10 mph wind and smooth water. At 3800 I was burning 11.5 gal/hr @ 30 mph, a very easy plane speed, just for grins I wound it up to 5700 -5800 with the wind and got 48+ mph on the GPS. All those numbers change with more people, coolers, tackle, etc. in the boat....that's the real world you need to look at. Your 225 Yamaha combo should be perfect.
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Old 03-14-2012, 10:27 AM
shine shine is offline
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well, I guess we will see soon enough, but my buddies 23 seacraft gets over 2 mph with twin 150 opti's so Im sure it will better than that (light load at 30mph)

I base my 3.5 mpg guestimate/wish on a few different boat reviews of similar boats (hull shape and weight), with a 225 a similar boat was at 4 mpg at 3800 pounds. My boat should be a little lighter than stock SC

Were did you get your bowrail from? was it custom made? is it SS steel our aluminium?
Its stainless and it came with the hull, its pretty nice, just cleaned it up with some metal polish before installing

I tackled the wiring in my 23' also. These guys had great pricing, service, and install lugs correctly on larger cable so you can order to fit. I bought all my stuff from them.
they have good prices. I am fortunate to have a few good sources for that stuff.

Will spend a few more hours today busting knuckles - did I mention I hate wiring
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Old 03-14-2012, 05:31 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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Yepper...geniunedealz is the "mac daddy". I'm into these guys for at least $800 for various projects and products. I highly recommend.
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Old 03-28-2012, 10:45 AM
shine shine is offline
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Took the boat back to the dealer last week, they replaced the oil pressure sensor and changed the oil. They hooked up a manual oil pressure gauge and we took the boat out and ran it hard for an hour or so. Oil pressure was very good, no warnings came on. With 55 gallons of fuel and three guys on board we got it up to 6200 rpm no problem, there was still some throttle left. I will be trying it again this weekend with the t-top and a fishing load.

She is pretty much finished at this point, all that has to be done is the electrics need to be bought and installed, then the wiring has to be cleaned up along with some minor hardware stuff.

The first picture is the vent for the forward tank. Its actually a "p-trap"; like a vent, but better in a few ways. It sheds water, even with a direct hose spray, and does not require a loop in the vent line. Not needing a loop was nice, I really did not have room in there for it anyway.

finishing up the kiwigrip non-skid. I ran out out of the first gallon right as I was wrapping up the sole, but I still needed some on the swim platform, so I have to get another quart. My original thought was to use sea-deck on the platform, but the budget is tapped for now

Below shows how I like to tape off for KG application. A tip I have learned; when removing the tape, try to remove it in the order you put it down (if possible) that way you lift off only the piece your pulling on.

leaning post cushions on, and the t-top is going on today. It had a nice coating of fiberglass dust that needed to be washed off.

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Old 03-28-2012, 09:36 PM
nate22 nate22 is offline
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Shine the boat is looking better & better every time I see it, very nice work, i'm sure your proud. How much paint did you have to use to cover your hull, inside and the exterior? Just comparing with others to get a reference of how much I need to buy.

Cant want to see the TTop on, and in the water.
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Old 03-28-2012, 09:54 PM
fdheld34 fdheld34 is offline
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looking great..I am sold on that Kiwi grip!
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