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Old 09-28-2004, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

How many of you guys will be there Saturday the 9th??? Maybe we can hook up together around the middle of the day???
FellowShip [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]
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Old 09-28-2004, 04:44 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

I will be out there on Saturday. Splashing about 10am @ Black Point, give or take 30 minutes, depending on the line at the ramp, which will give me an arrival time of around, let's say 11:00!!! I already have all my supplies to make the usual 500 jello shots, which fill the fish box nicely!
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:28 AM
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

Ha John;

I will probably go fishing Saturday (weather permitting) and call it a day around 12: or so. After that I will make a point of going over their and checking our the Zoo if you see me get my attention and I’ll stop.
Oh by the way which boat will you be on??
FellowShip [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]
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Old 09-29-2004, 12:25 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

I will look for you but, there are so many people out there it will be hard to. Well, at that time it should not be too bad, yet. I will be in my 23 Concept, just like the avitar, blue and black checker flag type design. I will also be monitoring channels 67 and 69, when I am actually in the boat. I can tell you that I will not be in the "family section", that is for sure. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] I will most likely be flying a kite of some sort but have yet to find the one I want. Once I do, I will post it.
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 09-30-2004, 02:55 PM
Rufridr069 Rufridr069 is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

Take lots of pictures (@)(@)
Wasn't there, ya didn't see me, ya can't prove it! [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
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Old 09-30-2004, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

. I can tell you that I will not be in the "family section" [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]
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My wife and I had words,
But I didn't get to use mine."?"

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Old 10-03-2004, 06:10 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

Oh Tug,
I meant that I will not be in the "Rated G" section, if there is such a thing out there [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]

Ok, the boat is loaded, the supplies are ready.....and Tuesday night will be Jello Shot Night!!!! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 10-03-2004, 08:09 PM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

Last year there were some links to photo selections from the event. Can anyone point me to those websites or any other image collections of the goings on there?
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Old 10-03-2004, 08:27 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

Below courtesy of

And another

"The Columbus Day Regatta weekend is a weekend like none other in Biscayne Bay or in South Florida or in the continental United States. Many professional partygoers have stated that this event makes the "Marti Gras" in New Orleans look tame. This is supposed to be about a Regatta. A very respectable sport with a grand and diverse tradition. Sailboats line the horizon of Biscayne National Park by the thousands. The leeward side of Elliott Key with its miles of crystal clear water over miles of virgin seagrass is a virtual parking lot filled with every type of boat imaginable. Elliott Key is located 15 - 18 miles south of Key Biscayne, and just south of Soldier Key, the Ragged Keys, Boca Chita,Sands Key, and Sands Cut and in that order.(map) If it floats and you can get people on it, chances are that you will see it here during this event.
The occupants of the vessel may or may not be clothed. That may or may not be fun to see. But that is the reality of the Columbus Day Regatta "Finishing Line" party area. People come from all over the world for a very large series of parties and the boat race that lasts at least three days every year, weather permitting. A hedonistic celebration perhaps most accurately describes the none stop music, dancing, drinking in excess, and clothing optional atmosphere that continues on for miles and for days (and at nights too). Water guns, inflatable toys of every category imaginable, flags that have never been seen before, and a general over all attitude of "anything goes" contributes to the sense that "we are not in Kansas anymore".
If you would just like to navigate your boat in and through the miles of swimmers, floaters, rafts of large boats, inner-tubes, canoes, kayaks, flying beads, and girls who do happen to be wearing a top, flash you, you can expect to get soaking wet. Tradition dictates that everyone should have, fully loaded, water-soaking water guns of the largest size available, along with a selection of water balloons. Guys and girls who look like they are just floating around under the surface who give you a nice smile are about to completely soak you with a six foot watergun. Be prepared to get wet, or to retaliate. It is all done in good fun. Loud dancing music, salsa, rock music fills the air along the smell of high octane fuel, high octane adult beverages, beer, and suntan lotion. The party does not stop. The sky is full of sunburn quality sun, kites, phallic inflatables, and flying bead necklaces into the hands of topless bathers of every persuasion. All a 30 minute boat ride from Key Biscayne."

The unofficial motto is "What race?". This is certainly the place where the bizarre is the norm, the unusual to be expected, skin that has never seen the light of day (and in many cases it would be a service to society if it never did see the light of day) to get burned into that shade of color located between bubble gum and lobster red shade. It can be painful to just look at, realizing that this intoxicated bearer who is still laying in the sun laughing it up will only fully realize the luxuries that so many of us take for granted. Like being able to sit down, or to be able to sleep without the sheets hurting. If that is your idea of a good time you should mark your calendar. It should probably go without saying that this party part of the Columbus Day Regatta festivities is not a typical family affair and it would not be recommended that children attend certain portions of the finish line party. The Columbus Day Regatta race is something totally different and should not be confused with the excessive celebration of the event. For information on race and registration details go here.
In fact knowingly exposing minors to some of the more risque activities could have legal implications. For many of us locals, we stay at a safe distance with junior. Many families do attend so don't get the idea that this event is 7 square miles of debauchery. 6.75 square miles is a safer guess. Families raft together where all can enjoy the masses of boats, people, and diverse lifestyles from a safe (outside of binocular range) distance. Many families that do not want to participate in the shenanigans of the wilder side and will secure their boats together in a quieter location and have just as much fun only without the hangover and sunburn on private parts. This can be a fun time to be had by all, but it would be advisable to keep the children below decks if passage through "party central" is unavoidable until suitable anchorage is found. Closer to shore on the leeward side of Elliott Key, Sands Key, or Boca Chita are all "family friendly" where you can be close enough to see all of the boats sailing yet far enough away to fully enjoy the event.
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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Old 10-03-2004, 08:41 PM
JohnS JohnS is offline
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Default Re: Columbus Day Regatta

And a basically "PG" photo...
I support the "Hot Boat = Hot Chick" theory.
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