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Old 06-23-2011, 11:31 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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Default Re: possible purchase - 1989 18' Few questions.

If you need a new one let me know, I've got one I can sell cheap. It's with built in key start and safety switch.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:32 AM
ScottM ScottM is offline
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Default Re: possible purchase - 1989 18' Few questions.

The only issue is there is no thottle advance - no lever or button to depress to throttle up.
You probably already tried this but can you pull the handle out to the side while in neutral or depress the black circle at the base of the handle?
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Old 06-23-2011, 12:00 PM
alexh alexh is offline
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Default Re: possible purchase - 1989 18' Few questions.

The only issue is there is no thottle advance - no lever or button to depress to throttle up.
You probably already tried this but can you pull the handle out to the side while in neutral or depress the black circle at the base of the handle?
I have not tried to pull the handle out. The circle at the base of the handle does not engage/disengage anything. From the online manuals to models similar to this one (morse) it seems like moving the arm out does allow for throttle advance. Ill give it a try once I get home.
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Old 06-23-2011, 11:09 PM
htillman htillman is offline
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Default Re: possible purchase - 1989 18' Few questions.

Should be able to pull the handle out and disengage it if there are no other means.
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Old 06-24-2011, 01:56 AM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: possible purchase - 1989 18' Few questions.

I have an old binnacle as well. Cheap.

Newer 96-98 is nicely done with the new harness.

BRP Stroker`s are sweet as well.
Did I say sweet?

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Old 06-27-2011, 09:19 AM
alexh alexh is offline
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Default First run.

Got the bilge pump working again and ran new hose and took the boat out this weekend for a short run. Didn't want to run it too long due to the previous owner saying the lower unit seals leaked. Idled around for 10 min and then went for a run. Hit 43mph on the gps with just me and a full tank of gas. There was definitely more speed to gain if the water was flat and I could trim it out more. The binnacle hits the console @ WOT also. I need to take the carb cover off and see if the plates are opening all the way. Came back and put the boat on the lift to check the LU oil and it was fine. Still need to get the Lower unit pressure tested to see if its ok.

Ive added the only two pics I could get of it sitting in the water. Water does come in through the scuppers if I stand in the corner, but that's expected.

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Old 06-27-2011, 09:27 PM
Snookerd Snookerd is offline
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Default Re: First run.

Alex-Great waterline shots! Just as I thought.......lightweight 2 stroke 150 with a well balanced Tracker 18SF. The boat's waterline is better than a SeaCraft Industries 87 18 with a 150 Johnson. Besides gas usage, that is a good power/weight combo.
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Old 07-13-2011, 07:59 AM
alexh alexh is offline
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Default Re: First run.

Yesterday I took the carb cover off and advanced the throttle as far as it would go. The butterflies are not horizontal, and there was some binding with the linkage that ties all three carbs together. I looked at an exploded view online and found the linkage was installed upside down. Quick fix. I'm still hoping to get 50mph out of the motor.

On a side note, the boat was sitting outside the past couple weeks with the plug in, and we have had some pretty short but serious downpours recently (tidewater Virginia area). I turned on the bilge and it ran nonstop, enough to fill up a 32 gal trash can and then maybe another 10 gal into another one until it stopped. Is this from rainwater, or has the boat been holding water? I tilted the trailer up pretty high with the forklift to make sure all the water was out. The water came out like watered down iced tea color- dont know how long it takes water to get stained, but If its more than a few weeks then I can assume the boats been holding water for awhile.

Hope to take it out this weekend to see what I can get from the motor. Ill post my results.]
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Old 07-13-2011, 11:26 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: First run.

I'm still hoping to get 50mph out of the motor.

I turned on the bilge and it ran nonstop, enough to fill up a 32 gal trash can and then maybe another 10 gal into another one until it stopped.
Thaty'll slow you down a bit. 42 gallons x 8 lbs per gallon = 336 lbs of extra weight

The water came out like watered down iced tea color- dont know how long it takes water to get stained, but If its more than a few weeks then I can assume the boats been holding water for awhile.
The boat is a Tracker marine, and for a few years they used plywood in the stringers to shape them , I know '87 and '88, not sure about after that. If the boat has held water previously so that the wood in the stringers is already breaking down, then just a couple of days of holding water will stain the water.

Having drained it, make sure your bilge pump works on automatic, and put it back in the water for a day and see if it once again is holding water. Remember that every place the gelcoat is breached is a potential water intake site. One of the most common (and most commonly overlooked) places for water intrusion is the lower outboard motor mounting bolts.
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Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

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