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Old 09-18-2013, 05:44 PM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by hermco View Post
Weren't you in high school 30 years ago? Just askin. Ha ha!
I wish, I think I'm AS old or older than you Pops.
I think it was fheld that said he wished he learned a trade.
Well, in 1978, I wuz 18, (hint, hint), I came up from the Cayman Islands and went straight into OMC skool. From then on I have been working, no college.
I'm not convinced it was the right way, but for me it was the only option.
The trade is good, but going to a good college would have opened other doors. Not saying I would have stayed once the door opened, but it would have been nice to peek in.
Just sayin-----.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-18-2013, 06:02 PM
hermco hermco is offline
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Jeez dude, yer ancient. But still younger than the Herm. Kids nowadays.
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Old 09-18-2013, 06:30 PM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by hermco View Post
Jeez dude, yer ancient. But still younger than the Herm. Kids nowadays.
Yea, shoulda known, it takes a loooooong time to amass such knowledge O Great FRP Swami.
I bow to you, both in age and knowledge aka "respect."
S---, I must be tired.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-18-2013, 06:39 PM
hermco hermco is offline
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You'll be ok kid, hang in there.
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Old 09-18-2013, 10:40 PM
heynow2203 heynow2203 is offline
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Hey I am a young guy and I feel the same way I own a small plumbing company and can't even get "old people" to want to work they show up for a week the want to collect unemployment check gotta love this age we live in. I was taught you need to work for what you have but seems most have not got the memo
1976 Seacraft CC(Pilot House) Inboard Yanmar 315
1979 Septer I/O no power Sold
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Old 09-19-2013, 01:15 PM
castalot castalot is offline
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I guess I was born too early or late I just want to do honest work of honest pay seems harder to do while watching people with there hands out or want to start green at my pay
I've thought about your positions but haven't worked on yamahas and haven't done glass work in 20 years but I have tools common sense and don't mind working even enjoy it then there's the 1200 mile commute
we need a lifeguard at the gene pool
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Old 09-19-2013, 04:16 PM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by castalot View Post
I guess I was born too early or late I just want to do honest work of honest pay seems harder to do while watching people with there hands out or want to start green at my pay
I've thought about your positions but haven't worked on yamahas and haven't done glass work in 20 years but I have tools common sense and don't mind working even enjoy it then there's the 1200 mile commute
Last time I was in Saunderstown for my nephews wedding my brother had me working up there.
Nice place that R:I.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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Old 09-19-2013, 04:21 PM
castalot castalot is offline
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Yes it is especially if your employed by the state which I'm not just paying their taxes lol
I've been through Fort Lauderdale a few times really nice in the winter
I'll be spending New Year's Day there before heading to the keys for 2 weeks of needed vacation
we need a lifeguard at the gene pool
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Old 09-19-2013, 07:10 PM
Tiny Tiny is offline
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Life is expensive, especially in south florida (getting more expensive)(after this weeks fed move it's going to accelerate more), your new hire has bills. Bills your salary likely won't cover, not to mention his largest expense, healthcare (I didn't see that you were offering that). If he's married and has way he's covering his expenses with his salary...even if his wife is working (and not making great money), they still come up short. If he's single and young, he likely has a lot of school or other debt...again same as above. OR he can collect welfare "the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045." see link below for full story. Also both persons you are looking for can work freelance and make a lot more...IF they are good. Sorry you're having a hard time filling the spots, but I can totally see why spots like yours (and the plumbers) are hard to fill and why you are getting the applicants you are getting. You do great work. Hang in there. I've heard the same thing a lot.

PS. without going political on your thread, you have 3 main problems, the FED, an egregiously large government, overwhelmingly disproportionate healthcare costs.

great article here...title says it all
great video on health care costs
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Old 09-19-2013, 07:19 PM
Caymanboy Caymanboy is offline
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Life is expensive, especially in south florida (getting more expensive)(after this weeks fed move it's going to accelerate more), your new hire has bills. Bills your salary likely won't cover, not to mention his largest expense, healthcare (I didn't see that you were offering that). If he's married and has way he's covering his expenses with his salary...even if his wife is working (and not making great money), they still come up short. If he's single and young, he likely has a lot of school or other debt...again same as above. OR he can collect unemployment "the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045." see link below for full story. Also both persons you are looking for can work freelance and make a lot more...IF they are good. Sorry you're having a hard time filling the spots, but I can totally see why spots like yours (and the plumbers) are hard to fill and why you are getting the applicants you are getting. You do great work. Hang in there. I've heard the same thing a lot.

PS. without going political on your thread, you have 3 main problems, the FED, an egregiously large government, overwhelmingly disproportionate healthcare costs.

great article here...title says it all
Yea, I'm depressed enough, lets not get into politics-----.
I agree with everything you have said. What is interesting though is it never gets to pay scale.
Healthcare is the next mountain to climb.
Don't get on me about small business and government.
I guess I am too stupid to realize what I am trying to do. I'll try anyway, being broke again won't hurt me, been there and done that, just need enough to get me and my trawler to "Conch land".
I don't mind training, been doing that for a long time, just wish the aplicants had better attitudes.
Anyway, I'm in Kennesaw, gettin me some more edgumencation on Yamhaers.
When I get home, got lots of work waitin.
Could be worse, no work.
1972 20' SeaCraft SF, F200XB
1974 40' Eagle
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