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Old 10-03-2005, 06:33 PM
joey joey is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

Oh'you know it brother! Ain't nothing like standing on the bridge with 20+ knots of Fluid Dynamics tickling your toes!

Not to mention buckling your knees and kicking your butt when it's blowing about 30 and you gotta get were your going.

Know what I mean Capt.Brad
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Old 10-03-2005, 07:20 PM
84 Master Angler 84 Master Angler is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

Next time you wanna make a crossing to the Bahamas in a 6ft sea with that wonderfull Sailfish, Let us know. My 35 year old 20SF of which I have INVESTED $30,000 is still doing it and in one piece.
So take your whiny, debating ass some place else. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]

See ya, Ken

No Bones, If you're making that crossing in 6 foot seas (and I have made the crossing more times than you will in a lifetime) you're more of an idiot that I thought...maybe thats how you came up with your board name.

And rebuilding a classic hull is hardly exclusive to SeaCrafts, I have seen many classic makos, formulas, 20 & 25 bertrams re-done. You clearly missed any point I was trying to make and obviously have way too much time on your hands if your sitting bitchin over one man's opinion....

I'll be happy to take my whiny debating ass elsewhere - Enjoy the other six guys that agree with you. Dude, with your stubborn single minded little brain of yours I am sure you have fits each morning deciding on what shoe to put on first.
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Old 10-03-2005, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

Like This ??

OK Now lets get back to the Sailfish thingy & SeaCraft issue !
"Classic SeaCraft" Lures


My wife and I had words,
But I didn't get to use mine."?"

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Old 10-03-2005, 07:57 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

Well counselor, FYI I was born in Daytona Beach, Florida
52 years ago. My grandfather (a Florida native as well)
spent many hours with myself boating and fishing all
of the east coast of Florida. And going to the Bahamas
is one of our favorite things to do. We trailer to
Stuart and head over. Obviously your experience with crossings must be some what diminished, because as most
FLORIDIAN'S know the stream can kick up at any time.
Geographically speaking Virginia is a very long run to the Bahamas. But most attorneys can only see the ambulance
with the lights flashing, maybe that is what has you confused. "No Bones" came from the term of no bones in my fish when they are cleaned. As far as to much time on my hands, maybe. That is a privilege I have earned.
I have the time and the money to do as I please.
BTW: Your freedom of speech theory does not hold water.
Yes CSC is a public site, but you must be registered to
voice your oppion. As far as crossings go I have lost count.
Good Luck with your new Sailfish, as a suggestion you could
start your own website with some of your other enthusiast.
If there are any. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
See ya, Ken
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 10-03-2005, 08:49 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

When I made that post on the Sailfish s few days ago, I had no idea it would stir up a storm.
My background before becoming a priest was recreational boating, powerboat racing and tuning, and marina management.

I have owned 3 SeaCrafts, including the one I own now, 2 20' Seafaris, a 74 and a 72, and 1 1973 23 CC. I bought my 1st Seafari in 1983. I have also owned Glastron, Mako, Boston Whaler, Checkmate, and Cacci Craft boats. I got my 6 pack license at 18, my 100 ton Ocean Operator at 22. I have been upside down in the bilges of more boats from 15' to 90' than I care to count.
Managing marinas, I have seen more crap masquerading as "boats" than I care to think about. My boat of choice has always been "Potter-built" SeaCraft. Still is.
All that said, the Sailfish, on casual inspection, appears to be the best SeaCraft clone I have ever seen. It appears to be MUCH, MUCH better built than current SeaCrafts being produced by Tracker. Sailfish has changed owners several times since they 1st began producing 18' & 20' SC clones back in 1990. I know of one 18' sold new in '90 that still looks brand new, sitting in the water in Juno, Florida. It's been in the water since new.
I'm not getting rid of my Seafari. In fact, I'm looking for a Tsunami/Sceptre to add to my "fleet".
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In this case, Sailfish has flattered SeaCraft very highly, to the point of trying to imitate the "Potter-built" quality. High praise, if you ask me.
How about if we applaud Sailfish's efforts to build a worthy copy, as so many SC copies have been poorly built. We can hang on to the originals, while admire the very best copies.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 10-03-2005, 09:21 PM
Finster Finster is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

Sailfish has flattered SeaCraft very highly, to the point of trying to imitate the "Potter-built" quality. High praise, if you ask me.

Frank, I would have expected better of you than that.

From what I've seen of the Sailfish has been very disappointing. From the lack of marine grade wiring and so on. They seem to cut every unnoticeable corner they can find, as do the current day Tracker which is another knock-off IMO.

It's kinda like making an AC Cobra out of a VW.....

Just thought I'd stir the pot a bit. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

'76 23 SC CC I/O
'86 20 Aquasport 200
'98 15 Boaton Whaler Dauntless
There's more but w/e
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Old 10-03-2005, 09:24 PM
84 Master Angler 84 Master Angler is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

No Bones, Hate to break it to you Chief, but I was born and raised in Miami - no trailer required. Doubt your a native either. I may live in Virginia now, but I still spend a significant amount of time fishing both coasts of the state, so I'd say my knowledge of the stream is sufficient to know better than to make a crossing to the bahamas in 6 footers in a 20. Your vast knowledge of the ocean sure is impressive - here's a hint for your next crossing - PFD's and CH16 on your VHF cause anyone stupid enough to try that in a 20 is gonna need some help.

Hey I had another idea, why not take some of that money of yours and invest in charm school, and maybe buy a few friends while your at it, cause with your attitude you sure can't have many.

Ain't this grand two florida rednecks pissing on a fire [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

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Old 10-03-2005, 10:23 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

please do not do that agian.

tx Trayder
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 10-03-2005, 10:23 PM
Ikan Besar Ikan Besar is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

That extra strake is only on the 23
It's on the 18's as well.
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Old 10-03-2005, 10:26 PM
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Capt Chuck Capt Chuck is offline
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Default Re: VDH Hull on Sailfish Boats

WHOOOOOOA BROTHERS! Lets all get along now and not let an alligator mouth override a parrakeet azz [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

At least we all agree on a few things: Beer, Babes(i hope) and SeaCrafts! Hey Fr Frank, you started this thread how bouts a prayer to keep us all sane [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

BTW: I'm been in So Florida since 1952, so nah nah nah also, I have made several West Palm Bch to Walkers Cay crossings (105 mi) in some very snotty weather and that little 20' blue SeaCraft (Now for sale by "hichop") was hanging in there with the rest of us! Although I prefer being in my 23' for those times [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP --------

as "Americans" you have the right to ......
"LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of a Classic SeaCraft" -capt_chuck
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