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Old 04-06-2005, 11:23 AM
CaptScottNC CaptScottNC is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Atlantic Beach, NC
Posts: 48
Default 1973 23' I/O converted to Outboard Question

First time post here and would like to say this is an amazing board. Great work and discussion guys and gals! I'm a guide down here in NC looking to move into the Sea Craft ownership club. Just hear such good things about these boats. Hoping to put a deal together on this boat. If you have any questions email me at [email protected] and I can steer you to the photos of the boat add and you can tell me more what you think.

I'm looking into purchasing a 23'CC I/O that has been converted to an outboard with a bracket. Glass was reinforced in transom and an aluminum plate was added inside where the bolt washers should spread out the strain. Looks pretty good from what I'm seeing but my question deals with adding a 4-stroke one day and deck draining. FYI, this boat has the drains straight down out the hull. Batteries are currently behind the old engine hatch but I could move them under the console.

The bracket is not a real deep one but it appears to be one of the stainless brackets white painted that dont' have a lot of floatation or a swim platform. Correct me if I'm wrong but with it being an I/O convert it would have been set up to float with a great deal of weight in the stern correct? Considering the weight of the engine right at the transom and the I/O would it be much different with a 4-stroke outboard on a short bracket? It currently has a 1997 Evinrude Ocean Pro 2-stroke with about 250 hours on it.

Does anyone know the weight of that engine and the kind of fuel efficiency I can expect with that set up? I am concerned putting another 80 lbs or so on the bracket when thinking of drainage and stress on the transom. Would like to hear some thoughts good or bad on them. I have to trust the guys did a good job when reinforcing the transom and sealing up the I/O. I'm hoping the core was in good shape if they went through all the trouble a couple years ago to do this work. HOping they wouldn't just put a band aid fix when doing that much work on the back end. Thanks for all responses. Here are some photos to go along with my questions.


Any ideas what the residue is around this drain in the hull?? Should I be concerned here?
Atlantic Beach, NC
1977 Sea Craft 23SF
250hp Suzie 4-stroke
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