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Old 08-13-2016, 09:55 PM
sidelock sidelock is offline
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It's really frustrating when you pay someone $100/ hr. and they neglect to make such simple suggestion to change out the jets. When you're not familiar with outboards or mechanically inclined, unfortunately you're at their mercy ! Took the boat to a highly recommended mechanic two hours away and had the motor worked on. Was told #4 cylinder was not supplying power and removed carbs and cleaned in ultrasonic cleaner for two hours ( never suggested or recommend to replace jets ) Also balanced carb plates. Brought the boat home but didn't get a chance to test it due to thunderstorms.
Found out the alarm buzzer is missing and was told it's part of the ignition switch so the switch would need be replaced and that a replacement buzzer is not sold separately.
Any recommendations as to what I can use to replace just the buzzer without having to dish out another $150 for a switch assembly that doesn't necessarily need to be replaced except for the missing buzzer ?
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Old 08-13-2016, 11:36 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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When you said you had it worked on by a Bass Pro mechanic and he claimed 13 hours into it, first assumption would be this baby should run like a champ. I guess when he cleaned the carb, he wiped a little varnish off... At the risk of offending some of our forum's mechanics, I think I'd run down and negotiate some type of refund, if un-cooperative, report to BBB and YELP of his incompetence.

Driving 2 hours to see a competent mechanic is nuts...
Hope your problem is fixed.
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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