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Old 03-29-2012, 10:23 AM
csurf csurf is offline
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+1 on the Kiwi Grip. I'm seriously considering using it on my 23. How much would you say you used on the gunnel cap and sole? Any other tips you can relay applying the stuff?
1980 23' SeaCraft
1992 16' Steiger Craft - Custom Flats Boat

The sea finds out everything you did wrong.
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Old 03-29-2012, 10:52 AM
shine shine is offline
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thanks guys

Originally Posted by csurf View Post
+1 on the Kiwi Grip. I'm seriously considering using it on my 23. How much would you say you used on the gunnel cap and sole? Any other tips you can relay applying the stuff?
I used one gallon to do the whole boat, the little bit on the bracket require me to open a new quart

How much paint did you have to use to cover your hull, inside and the exterior? Just comparing with others to get a reference of how much I need to buy.
for the blue on the hull sides and bracket I used about 2 quarts of sterling (plus catalyst), it was the same gallon of paint I used to paint my flats boat 4 years ago its goes on thin and you really can get 200+ square feet per gallon when you roll and tip.

got the t-top on, full Eisenglass enclosure too.

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Old 03-29-2012, 12:54 PM
GMac7 GMac7 is offline
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Wow, build me a replica? Haha
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Old 04-02-2012, 11:47 AM
shine shine is offline
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Wow, build me a replica? Haha
Well, let me use it for a while, then maybe it will go up for sale.

Ran her for about 60 miles over the weekend, burned 1/3 tank (approximately 18 gallons). Will not know for sure, but I think Im around 3.3 miles per gallon. She definately need more prop, Im getting it all the way to 6000 rpm with 3 guys, one tank full, and some ice/gear on board, and there is still room on the throttle. Will try a 19 next. At 4200 rpm Im at 27 mph, I would like to get the same cruise with a little lower RPM.

Im not sure I will ever use the second 55 gallon tank unless Im going to Bahamas. If I do even re-power with a 300 or twin 150's the extra fuel capacity will be needed. Most trips I plan to use this boat for are going to be under 60 miles round trip.

shot a few mangroves and got some blood on her !
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Old 04-02-2012, 12:20 PM
Wildman Wildman is offline
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Whats Max RPM for that motor? 6000? What was your top speed?
I am trying to figure out what I am going to see with my 250 Honda. I was hoping for cruse of low to mid 20's with a top end in the upper 30s to 40.
Patrick from WAY out on cape cod.
1973 23foot Center console, Birdsall Ttop, Hermco Bracket... in progress
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Old 04-02-2012, 02:45 PM
shine shine is offline
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mechanic said it was 6250 or somethign close, he said it takes down one cylinder at a time when it hits the reline and that its hard to really feel it. I don't like pushing it that hard, so I have not gone much past 6000 for more than a few seconds.

I think your Honda will be a little better. Your crusie will probably be high 20's

By the GPS on my phone I was at 37 right before I got to 6000. I need a new prop, and a GPS, then I can give some good numbers - its pretty loose right now.
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Old 04-13-2012, 10:00 AM
shine shine is offline
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wrapping it up now......

Installing GPS/sonar, had to make another hole in the transom for the cable, I had hopes the tube I made for the trim tab cable would be big enough to also fit the tranducer cable, but the plug on the ducer cable was too wide (and you know you can not cut those things).

hole drilled

hole coated liberally with epoxy

PVC liner sanded to get good bond

I cut a mixing stick in half, length wise, to make a "butter knife and use it to coat the inside of the hole. Then I put some on the tube before threading it through, I turn it as I slowly push it through. I put some electrical tape on the end of the pipe so the putty does not get in the tube, then when it all cures I cut the ends back with the multi tool. BTW, the blue tape there is to catch the epoxy so it does not run down the boat.

filled with life seal

I went with a Humminbird 998 side image. Found a pretty good price on it, for about as much as most other places were selling the 898. Not cheap, but this whole boat is built around finding fish (specifically bottom fish), so to skimp on the one tool that will make it MUCH easier to find good bottom seemed silly. Hopefully I will have a good handle on how to read it by the time the keys trip in June. You can see from the pictures I made a mount that would allow me to remove the unit but have it in the dash, dash is only 4" deep so it just barely fits and I can still close the glass. Looks a little funky, but its the best compromise for what I wanted (removable but still in the dash)

Re-wiring the boat: Until this point I have installed everything willynilly to make sure it worked and to see how I liked the layout. Have I mentioned I dislike this part of boat build :? Took everything out and Im now putting it all back, somewhat organized.

Got a new prop: 14.25 x 19 stainless, the one I had on first was for a smaller engine 13.75 x 17. So its a big step up, so we will see what happens.
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Old 06-19-2012, 04:28 PM
shine shine is offline
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been using the boat for the last couple months, very happy. Put about 40 hours on the Yamaha and its running well. Took her to the keys for a week earlier this month - perfect boat for down there.

this week at the spoil island, she loves the boat

Memorial day in Vero, my buddy's 25 seacraft behind mine.

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Old 06-20-2012, 10:40 AM
GoodChance GoodChance is offline
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What are your cruise speed numbers with the F225? And economy (mpg)?
The Idiot Who Re-Built the Burnt-Up 35 Duffy
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Old 06-20-2012, 01:58 PM
shine shine is offline
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from my "finding the right prop" thread...

lowered my motor 2 notches, it is now about 4" above bottom of keel. Very solid bite

Fuel flow shows 9-9.5 gph at 30 mph and 4200 rpm (into stiff wind), a little better with the wind (light load, 2 adaults, 2 tiny kids and 55 gal fuel, no ice, empty boat well)

27 mph at 8.5gph, 3900, into same wind.

I did not try any slower, but I dont think it get much better, we will see.

Im happy
The fuel flow meter needs to be calibrated, last weekend it was telling me 6.5 gph at 26 mph and 3900 rpm, which might be close as I was going with wind and a very light load.
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