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Old 04-23-2010, 12:58 PM
SeaPlusPlus SeaPlusPlus is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

Take any pictures? We love pictures
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Old 04-23-2010, 11:45 PM
RWatts23 RWatts23 is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

Where's the humor? Seriously, I read a thread on someone who sparyed awlgrip in an enclosed area without wearing a respirator, went to bed with a bad headache, and did not wake up the following morning, though we are all effected differentl. Comming from someone with many certificates in Health and Safety READ the MSDS, your not doing yourself or your family any favors if you dont.
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Old 04-24-2010, 01:47 AM
doodlebug doodlebug is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

when I sprayed mine outside I knocked my resperator off
and did not pick it up until i finished that side
my lungs did not like me for some time.
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Old 04-24-2010, 09:49 AM
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Default Re: Awlgrip

I rolled and tipped my whole boat with Sterling paint 8years ago very similar to Awlgrip and it came out very good.
I also heard a story from a friend of mine who lost his friend by spraying a 2 part paint in his garage With Out a full suit on and With Out a air hose connection.

This is one of the main reasons why I rolled and tipped my boat Outside in open air.
I only used a cheep charcoal face mask and had no problems. The way I understand it is that both the vapor of the paint and the overspray after it is inhaled and dries inside your lungs is the problem.
I feel that the roll and tip method gives very good results, can be done safely by some one with no experience, cheaper that any other way to go, and even if you totally screw up your last coat all you have to do is pull out some more wet sandpaper fix your mistakes and add a additional coat and your there.
I am in the process of re painting my boat after 8 years I have collected some dings and scrapes along the way and I need to apply one additional coat of paint to cover up all these minor problems. The paint itself, that have not been damaged my general use still looks like new but you can’t paint just a part of the boat with out seeing tough up stuff so doing one coat is the best way to go and is just a matter of cleaning her up wet sanding the boat and roll and tip one coat.
One thing to remember is to Pick You Days to paint, if you paint outside you need a day that has clear skies, dry, and not to much wind or you need a good morning to paint and then put your boat in a garage after painting if you don’t you will be doing the job again.



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Old 04-25-2010, 06:49 AM
joshmon71 joshmon71 is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

its an isocyanate resin and 2 part polyurethane. isocyanates are bad for us living organims. a 25 clam 3m respirator is good though for roll n tip.

i went and bought the awlgrip blue book, the bastages make you pay for the book on how to apply it! planning to roll and tip some repairs myself. def outside, with a respirator! follow the book, reducer,etc, badger brush. problem is its very hard to make awlgrip repairs blend in...
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Old 04-25-2010, 08:41 AM
Ryank Ryank is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

I know there is no humor in people getting hurt the post about sugar is more dangerous was funny, Trying to post pics, Here is the before and after from 2 hard weekends and several afternoons worked late into the night. Thanks to the help of Awesome friends and a wife who worked on her through the week to get her done!! I know shes no seacraft but she was painted Fighting lady yellow lol.
She is a Bombay Clipper 31 registered as 33' Her total length is just shy of 40 shes got an 11' beam massive roomy cabin!!! and a svelte 12000 pounds. Her maiden voyage yesterday was one of Joy and Sorrow. We had our friend Kevin who was driving our large wave runner to assist in the docking and towing (if the diesel acted up) following us.
Halfway down the anclote channel a boat approached us and informed us there was a person floating in the water face down not looking good. We asked if they assisted and they said it was too shallow for there 18' boat ( there was 5 feet of water) Our friend Kevin was first on the scene of what was a 21 year old who had jumped a wave and crashed sustaining severe trama. Kevin got in the water and performed CPR and mouth to mouth for 15 minutes until The coast guard chopper arrived, followed by a sherrif boat and Coast guard boat. Kevin being the more experienced EMT / Paramedic they allowed him to work on the victim until they got him to the ambulance at the anclote boat ramp. I will say that alcohol and boating do not mix, and this was a chilling reminder of why we shouldn't drink and drive anything. This has not hit the news yet but soon will, We believe the young man did not make it. Kevin was returned to the waverunner and us by the Sherrifs dept, and thanked profusely for his effort. On the more joyful side as we cruised into her new channel, we had dolphins actually swimming up against both sides of the boat actualy making contact, and close enough to touch. I felt this was very good luck all things considered.
Hopefully in a few years she will be parked behind Skip and Carla's home > We did do the "Denaming process which involved a bottle of good champagne, ( most was poured across the bow from east to west) and many verses to the old sea gods, the new name has not yet been chosen.



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Old 04-25-2010, 09:44 AM
Islandtrader Islandtrader is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

Good for you guys...I think you are doing the right thing. Testing it out and then making the decision to live or not live aboard.

Now my idea of a nice live aboard is a 40' Nordhaven

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Old 04-25-2010, 09:56 AM
Ryank Ryank is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

Nordhaven's are works of art. Wish I had that kind of coin...
This year all our vacations are booked, but next year, I forsee a two week stay in the keys with all the toys. We should plan a huge gathering around it, during regular lobster season.
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Old 04-25-2010, 10:42 AM
workinpr0gress workinpr0gress is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

liveaboard is gonna be tight to most people, especially in more temperate areas where you are inside more...I used to do it six months a year. I used to tell people a 60', 70' boat is like a mobile home that comes to a point, a really nice mobile home.
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.
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Old 04-25-2010, 01:36 PM
BigLew BigLew is offline
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Default Re: Awlgrip

I've not done a "live aboard", but would like to try it. Particularly the sailing variety- about 45- 55'. Friends who have said the first week is great. After that there are no dry towels or dry anything else. They also siad that while everything you must have is there, there just isn't much of it. Probably a good summary.

One friend who has single handed a 38' Shannon across the Atlantic 4 times or more now said the toughest thing is fresh water and sleep. He was a Airborne in the service and used their trick of sleeping for 20 min. and awake for 40 min. around the clock. He figured that his 24 mi. radar gave him enough "all clear" information for about the next 20 minutes.
Getting home is more important than getting there!

Plan accordingly!
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