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Old 06-22-2011, 03:27 PM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: different boat question

Well my neighbor gave me a 13 x 19 that I thought was too much prop so I called our local prop shop. And he said given the light weight of the whaler and a 50 hp I should be more than fine with that prop. Being that is what he does for a living I will give it a shot, doesnt mean it will work but we will see. As far a "hook" in the hull i dont see it after spending a couple hours sanding and painting and i had a 1978 with no "hook" either. let me know what you think. Thanks
Prop sounds right.

The early 13 Whalers were designed with a hooked hull for greater stability in high speed turns.
If you put a 10' or 12' straight edge against the kelson, with one end right at the transom, the ends generally touch, with about 1/2" gap between the straight edge and the hull about 7'-8' forward of the transom. At top speeds, the angle of thrust can easily overcome that hook, but with neutral trim, 75% of the whole hull length will run wet, rather than just the last 3'-5' you can get with positive trim. At neutral trim, no matter how much power you have, the 13' Whaler will never chine walk; indeed, it cannot.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 06-27-2011, 09:09 PM
jwclbi jwclbi is offline
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Default Re: different boat question

Thanks for the info. When I hear the word "hook" I think of a old Mako I saw some years ago with a failing transom that seemed to pull the bottom of the boat up. Causing what several had said created a sever hook in the bootom. It was very noticable and the transom was very bad. Thats what I was thinking. Good to know thats how my old whaler came rom the factory back in the day. Thanks guys
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Old 07-13-2011, 08:38 PM
seafari25 seafari25 is offline
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Default Re: different boat question

I was gonna chime in on this but I was trying to locate some old photos first.



My grandfather purchased 2 Dell Quay Dories in the early 80's. one 11' and one 13'. These boats are sometimes refered to as the English Boston Whaler. The 11' Dory was powered immediately with a 20 merc, which was pretty much my first boat. It was rated for a 33hp. It can just be seen at the left of the first picture. I had a lot of fun in that boat, getting air, jumping the Seafari 25s huge wake

The 13 was never powered and sat upside down on the beach, until 98. Although the boat was rated for a 45hp and my intentions were to get a 40, I chose a 50 Yamaha with power trim. Minimum planing speed was awesome and you could carry on a conversation, without shouting, at cruise. The gentlemen above are correct, 3/4 to full throttle made absolutely no difference in speed. I think the 50 was a little much for the old boat as the hull split open at the keel a few times and I had to keep patching it. The nail in the coffin was the big crack opening up in the transom. The boat only lasted 3 years with the 50. I had enough of patching and put the 50 on a welded aluminum boat. I wish I had known of this site back then cuz I now know what is possible with old boats and kind of wish I still had those Dories.

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