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Old 07-21-2011, 02:16 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

Ran a 46 ft bertram with 8-71 ti, was slow (20 knots max) and had what the family and self called the Bertam bang when heading into a sea. With that said was a good boat and raised quite a few billfish but was slow compared to todays boats. It was built like a rock.
Back in the mid 70's, my grandfather had an early 50's built 45' Rybovich with twin supercharged Chrysler Imperial inline flat-head 8-cylinder gas motors. My grandfather said the motors were designed for a type of WWII MTB that never saw servce. The boat was built for him by Rybovich around those motors.

In contrast, my Uncle Obie's boat in the next slip at Lake Worth Yacht Club was a new 46' Bertram with twin 8-71t's. At the same speed the Rybo would cut through many waves while Uncle Obie's boat would pop over a wave top and then sound like a drum booming as it hit the next wave. The Bertram seemed to bob up and down twice as much as the Rybovich in seas.
The Bertram was fiberglass-hulled, whereas the Rybovich hull was mahogany and teak, and much heavier.
The Rybovich had a top speed of 18-20 knots, and I remember the Bertram was a bit faster, but I don't know by how much.

I liked both boats, but the Rybovich was like a metaphorical Rolls-Royce as to the Bertram's Oldsmobile.
I planned, navigated, and piloted that Rybovich to the Bahamas at the age of 10, under my grandfather's tutelage.

And I really wish I could afford Carl's 27' SeaMaster.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.

Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!

Currently without a SeaCraft
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury
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Old 07-21-2011, 07:56 PM
pelican pelican is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

no such thing as a "moppie" - "moppie" was richard bertram's wife - he called her that,she had wild red hair...

"moppie" is the name bertram used on their hulls,when launched - kinda like how rybovich used "charmer"

This is CSC not CB.
My best friend and neighbor was Ray C. {Racy} Hunt as a young child in Padanaram, Ma. I know a little history

They built a 30 ft. wooden prototype named Moppie, and the rest is history. It became the 31.

Many call the open boats Moppies.

that designed boat - it won the miami/nassau race - it became the "plug" for the 31 -"moppie" was the name of that boat,named after dick's wife

"many call the open boats "moppie" - and that my friend would be incorrect - no such model

i know a litle "history too
do not let common sense get in your way
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Old 07-21-2011, 09:48 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

no such thing as a "moppie" - "moppie" was richard bertram's wife - he called her that,she had wild red hair...

"moppie" is the name bertram used on their hulls,when launched - kinda like how rybovich used "charmer"

This is CSC not CB.
My best friend and neighbor was Ray C. {Racy} Hunt as a young child in Padanaram, Ma. I know a little history

They built a 30 ft. wooden prototype named Moppie, and the rest is history. It became the 31.

Many call the open boats Moppies.

that designed boat - it won the miami/nassau race - it became the "plug" for the 31 -"moppie" was the name of that boat,named after dick's wife

"many call the open boats "moppie" - and that my friend would be incorrect - no such model

i know a litle "history too
My boat is named Wide OPen. I don`t believe SC ever made a Wide OPen model, but many models have spent time there.

Don`t get your Bahia Mars in a ruffle.

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Old 07-22-2011, 09:01 AM
pelican pelican is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

that's one of those things that "chap my a$$"
"i have a 28 moppie",a guy on my dock told me - i explained to him,the whole story...
again,just one of those things that tweak me,like people who say "issue",instead of "problem"...
do not let common sense get in your way
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Old 07-22-2011, 01:19 PM
Billybob Billybob is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

that's one of those things that "chap my a$$"
"i have a 28 moppie",a guy on my dock told me - i explained to him,the whole story...
again,just one of those things that tweak me,like people who say "issue",instead of "problem"...

Sounds like you may have some issues.
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Old 07-22-2011, 10:54 PM
BigLew BigLew is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

that's one of those things that "chap my a$$"
"i have a 28 moppie",a guy on my dock told me - i explained to him,the whole story...
again,just one of those things that tweak me,like people who say "issue",instead of "problem"...
Excuse me, but if you had a bloody nose and asked for a "Kleenex", would you get "chapped" if I handed you an XXX brand facial tissue?

I understand your point, but sometimes a term "unofficially" becomes part of the vernacular. I have checked with some of the recognized boat sales sites and find the term "moppie" used to describe the open cockpit with foredeck configuration of the bertram hull too frequently used to be ignored.

Please don't misunderstand me. The proper term is regardless, not irregardless and there is no word "orientate", it is to orient or to provide orientation. People are sloppy to say the least and it pisses me off except for one reason. It frequently indicates the level of knowledge of those we are called upon the have dealings.
Getting home is more important than getting there!

Plan accordingly!
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Old 07-23-2011, 12:27 AM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

This could be a problem with issues.....

See ya, Ken
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 07-23-2011, 06:38 AM
lost2a6 lost2a6 is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

Pelican could have some issues. Would you call that issuefobia?
Steve B
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1998 28ft Carolina Classic 7.4 Volvo Penta Duo Prop
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Old 07-23-2011, 08:21 AM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

You just never know what you are getting into.Who would have thought that there were english majors frequenting this forum? I can understand issuefobs, we are all a little nutty about Seacrafts, but english majors? Time to call spidercrab.
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Old 07-23-2011, 09:57 AM
bobbert bobbert is offline
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Default Re: Bertram vs Seacraft

O'k to set the record straight.
Term "Moppie" is the street name for a 25' (REAL NAME) Sport convertible.
Also in the 25 model line up.
Sport convertible with a hardtop= You Guessed IT= "Hardtop"
Hardtop with a fly bridge= Sportfisherman
Odd model is the Bahia Mar which was an early version of what is now called a"Walk Around"
Even rarer is a Express Sedan. Also known many years ago as a "Bridge Deck"
25" never had a Center Console model, however many Moppies were converted to this configuration.
The 20' models used the same marketing names only no hardtop or sportfish models available
Also Bertram produced under 100 20' Center Consoles and they were named Sportsmen. This was the only production model CC produced be Bertram.

These marketing names carry over to the 31' models.

In answer to the question as to if I could only have one boat what would it be.
That's easy

23' SeaCraft Center Console !!!!!

"THe Old Timer"
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