Thanks for all the compliments! I am planning on using those rubber t handle things like on a jeep hood. It won't have hinges just a lip that fits over the lower half.
Something like this http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/wwg/search.shtml?gclid=CIaGmJGj1rQCFQ45nAodOm0ACQ&sear chQuery=T+Handle+Latches&op=search&Ntt=T+Handle+La tches&N=0&GlobalSearch=true&sst=subset&cm_mmc=PPC: %20Google%20Main%204-_-Hardware>Supplies-_-Latches>T%20Handle%20Latches>Broad-_-T%20Handle%20Latches&ef_id=UOrAnwAASERjhUYo:201301 07124454:s |
Very nice. Did you put some scuppers in our does it drain to the ckpit scuppers?
there's no such thing as normal anymore... |
I am going to put a single scupper (well actually more of a drain tube) in the middle between the two motors. I would like to have one on each side, but there just isn't room with the twins in the way.
The 500 stickers were installed by the redneck (his word not mine) that I bought the motors from. They are coming off soon and reproduction factory stickers going on. |
Finally mounted the engine cover
Finally got the cover mounted
Makes the motors a lot quieter and is very nice to lean on when fighting fish. |