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Old 03-24-2005, 06:15 AM
Ntrain2k Ntrain2k is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions


It's nice to see someone from the "New SeaCraft" visiting the "Classic SeaCraft" people [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

I think an introduction of yourself for the 1st posting would be appropriate. Are your future comments personnal (from Ron) or representing SeaCraft / Tracker [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

Because in the past the new has not been very coopertive with the old [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
I think mother Tracker found out he playing on the internet and he can't play any more! I was able to get one PM from him over on THT and sent him some pictures of the work I did to my boat....that was a few days ago and nothing since?!?

I went to the new SeaCraft web site....their contact number for SeaCraft has the same area code and phone number as Tracker Marine in Springfield.......hummmmm seems I knew it would be! LOL
No Capn C, I don't think Tracker has a problem with me speaking with the public.Unfortunatly I have been extremely busy, warm weather here, and lots of personal hotrod stuff to take care of for this season.I am going to review your pictures, and compare them to our current build process. One question, what is/was the actual thickness of your transom?
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Old 03-24-2005, 07:41 AM
Captn C Captn C is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

If you knew what I have went though with them you understand my attitude. Thanks for being civil with me after seeing my statments.

I'm not sure....I'll measure it this's still the original transom. I have added knees like the one had that I seen briefly at was a 2004 model.
Women love me, fish fear me!

Team C Craft

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Old 03-24-2005, 08:05 PM
Ntrain2k Ntrain2k is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

Don't expect a warm welcome here brother. Start building something that diserves the name Seacraft. Then come back! [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] Those improvement were obvisiouly missing on the boats at the AC show.
I'm glad that everyone here don't share your feelings about me. Kind of odd being that we havn't ever met.
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Old 03-24-2005, 08:11 PM
Ntrain2k Ntrain2k is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

If you knew what I have went though with them you understand my attitude. Thanks for being civil with me after seeing my statments.

I'm not sure....I'll measure it this's still the original transom. I have added knees like the one had that I seen briefly at was a 2004 model.
I have no problem with being civil towards people. I have read through your previous posts about your boat and I just wish it had came to the plant in the first place for the repairs so I could have done them. Overall your repair job looks very good! Nice solid extentions on the rear stringers which will definatly help out with your origional problem. I am going to see if I can get some details of our current build on the transoms for you as well.
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Old 03-24-2005, 10:32 PM
Finster Finster is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

Don't expect a warm welcome here brother. Start building something that diserves the name Seacraft. Then come back! [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] Those improvement were obvisiouly missing on the boats at the AC show.
I'm glad that everyone here don't share your feelings about me. Kind of odd being that we havn't ever met.

Ntrain2k, nothing personal here. I just find it very suspect that you come around trying to be the "Great Provider" when it's been no secret to anyone that Mako Ind. has taken two respected boats (SeaCraft/Mako) and ground them into the dirt, while riding on the coat tails of a name and reputation that was built over fourty years ago.

And this has nothing to do with Capt. C's boat. I've talked to dealers and heard their storys, and seen the boats.
You guys have a tough road up hill no matter how you look at it. Maybe you are building a good boat now, but it has yet to be seen in the field.

And I have a very hard time buying the fact that you represent yourself. First off you didn't come here as a boat owner, second you sign your name with your company title. For all we know you own a Bayliner.

P.S Just a little tip. Next boat show, make sure all the blue tape is off....


Capt.Christian Handel
Little Egg Charters
Beer Gusseler/Ass Scratcher

'76 23 SC CC I/O
'86 20 Aquasport 200
'98 15 Boaton Whaler Dauntless
There's more but w/e
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Old 03-25-2005, 06:00 AM
Ntrain2k Ntrain2k is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

Don't expect a warm welcome here brother. Start building something that diserves the name Seacraft. Then come back! [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] Those improvement were obvisiouly missing on the boats at the AC show.
I'm glad that everyone here don't share your feelings about me. Kind of odd being that we havn't ever met.

Ntrain2k, nothing personal here. I just find it very suspect that you come around trying to be the "Great Provider" when it's been no secret to anyone that Mako Ind. has taken two respected boats (SeaCraft/Mako) and ground them into the dirt, while riding on the coat tails of a name and reputation that was built over fourty years ago.

And this has nothing to do with Capt. C's boat. I've talked to dealers and heard their storys, and seen the boats.
You guys have a tough road up hill no matter how you look at it. Maybe you are building a good boat now, but it has yet to be seen in the field.

And I have a very hard time buying the fact that you represent yourself. First off you didn't come here as a boat owner, second you sign your name with your company title. For all we know you own a Bayliner.

P.S Just a little tip. Next boat show, make sure all the blue tape is off....


Capt.Christian Handel
Little Egg Charters
Beer Gusseler/Ass Scratcher
Well first off, I have not came here to be a great provider, just to try and answer questions.I am an hourly associate who has no office, and even if I did, I would have no time to use it. I do the warranty repair work here at the plant.I do represent myself, and not Tracker. If you beleive me or not it does not matter to me. I sign my name with my title simply so that people can see that I do work for the company, and that I have nothing to hide. And guess what, I don't own a boat at all anymore, so definatly no bayliner here. My preference is now drag racing.
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Old 03-25-2005, 08:35 AM
RS RS is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions


Well first off, I have not came here to be a great provider, just to try and answer questions.
Welcome to this site. Personally, I look forward to your insights and advice in the arena of boat repair and construction. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

It's hard not to take things personally when they are addressed to you, such is the nature of forums like this. However, what you are reading is borne of a collective frustration and is not personal. Hopefully that will change.

For my brother CSC members, remember, just because a guy is from Iraq does not make him Saddam. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
Best regards,
1979, 20' Master Angler
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Old 03-25-2005, 04:45 PM
Ntrain2k Ntrain2k is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions


Welcome to this site. Personally, I look forward to your insights and advice in the arena of boat repair and construction. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

It's hard not to take things personally when they are addressed to you, such is the nature of forums like this. However, what you are reading is borne of a collective frustration and is not personal. Hopefully that will change.

For my brother CSC members, remember, just because a guy is from Iraq does not make him Saddam. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
Thank you!
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Old 03-25-2005, 06:01 PM
bj bj is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

I am also glad to have Ron on the site. I have a 2003 21' and haven't had any major problems, but feel more comfortable that there is someone on here who could help if the need arises. Tnaks Ron for taking time to frequent CSC.
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Old 03-25-2005, 11:55 PM
Reel Smoker Reel Smoker is offline
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Default Re: Soon to be new owner...have some questions

Welcome Luis!
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