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Old 01-05-2021, 07:56 PM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Originally Posted by jorgeinmiami View Post
Called them today....nada
No reply?

I can call for you if you like.
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Old 01-05-2021, 10:02 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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Originally Posted by gofastsandman View Post
No reply?

I can call for you if you like.
I did speak to them....nothing used and a wait list for new, same as down here
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Old 01-05-2021, 10:05 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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With work and my son having some health issues...nothing major...I'm just going to wait for the 18th when I have a appointment with the shop that serviced and knows the engine and continue to do the some minor and some major things needed to get the boat done. And the boat show is coming soon
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Old 01-11-2021, 12:53 AM
NestorPR1 NestorPR1 is offline
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Hope your son's issue is not too bad and gets well soon. Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I lost my password and the website's password recovery system ain't working so had to make a new account.

I understand your "pain", my 2001 Mercury 200hp 2-stroke recently ate the #2 piston so I'm repowering with a new engine. After much research, debate and phone calls finally settled on a new 2021 Suzuki 300hp with DTS. Got a really good price in Port Canaveral and they'll be doing the swap this week, can't wait to get her back and try her!

Anyway, "saludos" to you from Melbourne and let me know if you are ever this way, maybe we can get together and do some Indian or Banana river fishing! Good luck with the engine search and take care my friend!
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Old 01-11-2021, 09:23 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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Originally Posted by NestorPR1 View Post
Hope your son's issue is not too bad and gets well soon. Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I lost my password and the website's password recovery system ain't working so had to make a new account.

I understand your "pain", my 2001 Mercury 200hp 2-stroke recently ate the #2 piston so I'm repowering with a new engine. After much research, debate and phone calls finally settled on a new 2021 Suzuki 300hp with DTS. Got a really good price in Port Canaveral and they'll be doing the swap this week, can't wait to get her back and try her!

Anyway, "saludos" to you from Melbourne and let me know if you are ever this way, maybe we can get together and do some Indian or Banana river fishing! Good luck with the engine search and take care my friend!

Nestor my friend...good to hear from you!

Repowering with a 300? That must be some ride you have.

I'll send you a message with my contact info
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Old 01-17-2021, 08:04 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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I've been going back and forth on what new engine to go with. The zuke 140 will do the job but after looking at various sites and comments I have concerns about the performance. Most say the top out around 40 mph with minimal weight. Im not a small guy and my 2 sons are pretty big guys. Add the TTop and gear and 50-60 gallons of gas and it may not perform as I would like. Going up to a 200 would probably make the boat stern heavy. I could take out the 70 gallon tank and replace it with a 50 and push it forward and much as possible to offset the heavier engine. If that's the route a 150 to 200 Zuke might work. Damm this 2nd guessing
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Old 01-19-2021, 10:21 AM
kmoose kmoose is offline
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How often are you trying to run 40 mph? It is easy to get too wrapped up in top speed but just for reference, I am only able to run 28-32 mph 98% of the time due to sea and bay conditions and I'm in a 23'.

Have you looked at a Merc 150? They are a very strong 150 and similar in weight to the Zuke 140. The more weight you put on the transom will definitely complicate CG and weight distribution and it is something to consider. Most all who have gone with the 140 have been very happy with ride and speed. If you go to a heavier motor that can do 50 mph but cause the boat to squat at rest and cause other problems.... Is that extra 10 mph in the channel worth it?

If I haven't learned anything in resto mod SeaCraft building.... I have learned "light is right".
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Old 01-19-2021, 11:30 AM
strick strick is offline
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for me personally it would be between the Zuke 140 and a Merc 150...and I would pick the one with the best dealer service...I have an older 140 on my sceptre and it's plenty for me and the wife...have a brand new 150 merc on another boat (not seacraft) and nothing but praises for that motor as well although I have not had it that long. Bigshrimpin uses a merc 150 on his 23cc for comparisons sake.

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Old 01-19-2021, 02:55 PM
uncleboo uncleboo is offline
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FWIW, I'm pretty sure I'm going to end up with one of the DF140BG's on my new 73 20sf. Forty mph is plenty fast and I will be taking considerable weight out of the stern, just like the 18. (keeping it on the transom) Good luck with your decision.
1975 SF18/ 2002 DF140
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Old 01-19-2021, 07:49 PM
jorgeinmiami jorgeinmiami is offline
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Here is what I'm thinking.
Go with a new Suzuki 150, its only 2000 more than the 140. It gets me better performance. I would get the engine on and see how the boat sits in the water. When I did the build I used all composite materials which should have lighten the boat, moved the batteries under the console, and the TTop should move some weight forward. If it still stern heavy I would remove the 70 gallon original gas tank and replace it with a 50 gallon tank and move it forward, or just run the 70 but not till it up all the time.

Got quote today for the zuke 150 and it's 15,500 installed..
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