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I caught a lot of flack a few weeks ago for making the broad generalization that most of the brand name boats being made today are better finished and engineered than the boats of twenty or thirty years ago. Better fit and finish, better hardware, better resins and gelcoat, no wood construction, etc. Just like automobiles, the boats keep getting better. But I'd still rather have a hot rodded '55 Chevy than an '05 Impala. New big block V8 trick suspension, radial tires ,custom paint & interior. Just as much prefer an older classic Seacraft re-done my way than new copy. Just my 2 cents
Tarpun 1972 20 Seafari 1977 23 Savage 1980 20'Master Angler |
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http://lecharters.com '76 23 SC CC I/O '86 20 Aquasport 200 '98 15 Boaton Whaler Dauntless There's more but w/e |
Hey Fr Frank, you started this thread how bouts a prayer to keep us all sane [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]
BTW: I'm been in So Florida since 1952, so nah nah nah [/QUOTE] SInce '52 ? Shoot, I haven't been here that long and I was born here! But the prayer? I can do that. Y'all can keep this one for your own continuous use. We commend to you, our Heavenly Father, all whose lives are linked with the sea and all who serve their needs. Grant that in all things they may give of their best and never be disheartened. Grant that in the fury of the storm, and in the calm of the harbor they may ever be directed by your power within. Grant the assurance that, with your hand on the wheel, they may safely sail life’s stormy seas until at last they reach the haven of your peace. Grant that their loved ones, as they watch and wait, may know the strength and comfort of your presence, and the joy of happy reunions. Bless them all according to their several needs, and keep them safe in all dangers and temptations. Lord God, Creator of land and sea, watch over those who work or play at sea or on the coastal or inland waterways: Be with them in fair weather and foul, in danger or distress. Strengthen them when they are weary; lift them up when they are down; and comfort them when they are far away from those they love. In this life, bring them safely to shore, and, in the life to come, welcome them to their eternal home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Lord protect you in danger. The Lord deliver you from temptation. The Lord be with you when you are lonely and give you a strong anchor in life; and the blessing, grace, and peace of Almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft ![]() (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
Damn,can't have a little "gettin down and scratchin with the chickens".Sorry.Thanks to the site though I have made a bunch of new friends,one has become one of my closest.
I'm done.See Ya,Joey |
With a couple of exceptions, this post was rather fun. Little did I know.
Still a Classic SeaCraft fan with a '72 Seafari 20'
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes. Fr. Frank says: Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat! Currently without a SeaCraft ![]() (2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks '73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury |
my name is Spydah i live in da Ozarks i use to drive meself a 4X4 Ford Pinto until da damn gas tank done explode I also get meself a 17' poontang boat with a 235 "Terbo" Evendrude i done taken the terbo out of my dodge shellbey omni and cantz figures out why it done work no more I work at da catfish farm but de bozz saz I cannt fish dere but I doez when hez in da crappah I reeds yor posts but aint no why yous guys from Florrrider is cussing about the dead rising, and the steaks lifting does ya all barbicue at frunerals let me know if yous do 'cause I got me one of dem 55 gallen turki earl cookers dat i can breeng.
I want to apologize to all of my fellow CSC members and
to 84 Master Angler for what took place over the last few days. Sometimes we all get caught up with the moment and it spirals out of control. It sure kept me from leaving the computer. Ok, lets get back to bashing Bayliners, I do not think we have any members with one of those? Or do we? Sincerely, Ken [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] PS: Amen Fr Frank
See ya, Ken © |
I have been assigned by several of No Bones aquaintances (He has no friends) to keep track of his whereabouts. With unlimited time and money who needs friends. Unfortunately when he runs out of ridlin he substitutes Capt.Morgan (which could explain the 6' seas) Nevertheless he does love his rebuilt Seacraft( which was a fill-in for a 22' Aquasport)and can often be seen standing behind the helm pissing all over the deck. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
I thought this thread was pretty funny with everyone gettin their panties in a bunch and all defensive about their beloved Seacrafts.
I'm not a very sensitive type, so all in good fun I say. But I really don't begrudge anybody or pass judgement on their rides.Everybody has different tastes, budgets, and abilities so I say if your having fun and you're respectful of other boaters and the environment - God bless ya [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img] Mine's a pretty stripped down, old power, low budget, Potter built.But, when I pulled into the harbor Sun my buddy was having cocktails on his 38 Bert and said "you know Bill, that is the prettiest hull I've seen in this harbor all day" Certainly not everyone feels that way, but for those of us that do - well that's why we do it. I think. Bill |
No Bones and Capt. Chuck, I didn't intend on this turning into a personal attack. I guess everyone has their passions, and obviously I underestimated a man's love for his SeaCraft...I guess the most important things in life are a man's SeaCraft, Dog, Truck & then wife [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img].
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