Aug Bahamas
Sorry Guys, my schedule got shifted a little for this summer. I am planning to go to the Abacos in early Aug. If the group goes in late July I will have to use it as intel for my trip. I can't make it sooner....
With that, I am offering up an invite if anyone wants to make the run in August. Itinerary is the same as most of my summer trips. I will leave Stuart way too early on Aug 4th, clear customs in Walkers make a fuel stop at Grand Cay (if anyone with me needs it) and run down to Foxtown. Of course there may be a small amount of fishing on the way to make sure we have dinner the first night. From there it is 5 days of fishing and evening activity. I will head directly from Foxtown to Stuart on Friday Aug 10 (leaving the weekend for a weather cushion).
If anyone wants to go, shoot me over a PM and we can work out any details. I am reserving my rooms in the next day or 2 but I can either add yours or give you the number over there if you want.
It should be a good trip, but I may miss the Seacraft gathering if it goes off late in July...