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Old 07-15-2004, 03:00 PM
ewalsh ewalsh is offline
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Default Value question for newbie

Hi Guys,

I am new to the forum but have been a fan of SeaCraft for some time. A ride in my buds 1973 20' SF has given me the bug to buy.

I found a 1972 20' SF nearby and wanted to gauge the value:

It has a 1986 Suzuki 140 that runs, but is ugly. Has a bow dodger. Newer trailer. Bow rails. The boat is complete and original. Needs some minor glasswork where repairs and attempted repairs were made, but overall, the boat appears structually sound. I've read that many people have had to repair the transom. I can do a fair share of boat work, but repairing a transom is too much for me. The transom on this boat doesn't wiggle when I shake the motor up and down and it appears solid. The boat deck has some spots where I can see it give slightly when I step around the console. (I weigh 220lbs and would place all of the weight on one foot). There are a couple of other areas that flex a 1/2 inch or so and I think I can feel the stringers (floor doesn't flex). I could also hear the floor creak a little. Is the floor a big deal? or is it normal.

The gelcoat is original and the interior has some spider cracks, etc. I would imron the inside and outside of the hull (any idea what that would cost?)

So I'd value the motor at $500, the trailer at $700. What is this boat worth? . Also, could you please give me an idea of what else to look out for?


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Old 07-15-2004, 07:46 PM
Bmoney1209 Bmoney1209 is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

Curious to hear some ideas on this one. I have some similiar issues. [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]
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Old 07-15-2004, 10:57 PM
Ryan Ryan is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

I would say the hull is at least worth $2000 based on two things, i paid 3500 for my 73 20 with a 83 evinrude 150 on a good trailer the boat is in fair original condition. I also sold a 69 inboard 20 hull only, stripped on a crappy trailer for 1500 in a week on boattrader. I really think I could have gotten maybe another 1000 if i was willing to wait maybe 6 weeks. That hull had to be torn down to the stringer to make it useful again. If you can take the boat straight from the sale and use the boat its got to be worth 3000 to 4000 here in fl and probably a little more up north.
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Old 07-16-2004, 08:24 AM
jetroc0088 jetroc0088 is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

I paid way too much for mine then.
Although, they sell high in Virginia Beach, I guess. There is a 72 for sale in the paper right now for $15k.
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Old 07-16-2004, 08:29 AM
Mark Mark is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

it depends on how many people know the boat is for sale. If you are the only interested party, you could probably get it for under $4K if the owner isn't convinced he owns a "collectors item". Then again, some of the junk heaps for sale in boat trader would be better off being donated to the county landfill.

The issues you list with the floor and such are concerning. It sounds to me like the boat needs a new floor and a '72 likely needs a new fuel tank as well as transom. Just keep in mind that all the little simple repairs can really start to add up in a hurry. When you start adding up a new engine, a transom job, new paint throughout, etc, you can see where an already restored boat at three times the cost of a beater starts to be a real bargain.

If you really want to go the project route, offer the seller $2500 and bargain back and forth from there...
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Old 07-16-2004, 08:47 AM
Abe's Rocket Abe's Rocket is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

I paid $3500 with for my 73 20ft cc, knowing the floor was soft and that the transom probably isn't that far behind. the boat came with a solid trailer and an engine that survived a weekend before becoming a paper weight.
1986 Seacraft 23CC
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Portland, Maine
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Old 07-16-2004, 10:48 AM
ewalsh ewalsh is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

Thanks for all of the replys. The seller is asking $5,400. After thinking about it, I am going to pass and keep looking for one with a newer motor and less problems.

Thanks again, Ed
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Old 07-16-2004, 03:08 PM
Abe's Rocket Abe's Rocket is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

i recommend buying a used boat and then getting a new motor if you have the cash...even a "newer" motor can turn into an expensive nightmare me I know.
1986 Seacraft 23CC
etec 250
Portland, Maine
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Old 07-17-2004, 08:44 AM
Fr. Frank Fr. Frank is offline
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Default Re: Value question for newbie

Keep looking. I bought my '72 20' Seafari for $1200 with no motor and a good trailer. Solid floor and transom, and 8 yr old fuel tank, too. I watched a '71 20' CC with a '98 Merc 125 sell for $6750 just last week locally. It only needed a new console. Your boat is out there. And it's a SeaCraft!
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