Re: Show us yer BOATS!
And, Unfortunately - from last week [img]http://www.msnusers.com/_Secure/0TADpKIAWsET1cd8k5!cyusZjcvn4b*cDYFiSFkHNqQ1nXVIeE wFYpdAU4LHDVP5T1JidVP0isYQ65FzRgzEE3zyCPcpozDfqUj* AC3o0mdL8lwkRH8G2Xg/P1010026.JPG[/img]
Re: Show us yer BOATS!
Now, what did I do with that engine hoist?
[img]http://www.msnusers.com/_Secure/0SgCz*4wXBojOD5AKQE2QV4QSaAnteEc5yIU5uLhGX98fTmw7j wSsGEfpJH3AFMn9SsrGDtIM1AxiR2kf*6BYl1pqNyMcPpCi23E OEbkvLl8HKa2yndZG0w/Engine.jpg[/img] Where's my beer? |
Re: Show us yer BOATS!
Billybob the pic of your boat in the water is a great picture showing that sheerline of the 23cc. I have it saved on my computer as my desktop background for a while [img]/images/graemlins/cool.gif[/img]
"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany) |
Re: Show us yer BOATS!
I am posting pictures of Paul Furnari's (PF_Flyer) 1972 23' Classic for him. What a tremendous job he has done Any questions about Paul's boat should be directed to him @ [email protected]
1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP -------- as "Americans" you have the right to ...... "LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of a Classic SeaCraft" -capt_chuck |