Re: Boat of the week !!
Ok, so it was a dissappointing journy, first problem is he had no title on the hull, which in Mass and RI means the boat is an anchor at best. Second is he had given it away last night to a person who wants to make a plug out of the hull and build his own. He fugured I wouldn;t have wanted it had I known there was no title and the last owner passed away about 3 years ago, I have been in this situation before and it was almost all but impossible to get papers on the hull in question. He was right, I wouldn't have taken it in any condition knowing it was in legal purgatory so to speak. I never saw it so I couldn't check to see if it was indeed a savage. Oh well, win some, you lose some.
I would have however passed on the location to anyone who still could have done somthing with it had it been still available.