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Old 08-31-2009, 12:00 PM
Detroit Detroit is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Detroit Area - Where the American Dream has ended.
Posts: 6
Default 89 22' Boston Whaler Guardian 99 Twin Merc XR6 150

While I know this is not a SeaCraft it is a rare boat and while talking to Jason (tradyer) he told me to list it here as well.

Well the time time has come for us to look at moving up. This boat has been a great platform for us to use on Lake Michigan for cruising and fishing but, it does not offer a lot of the amenities found on newer boats. More seating, higher gunwales, more storage and a head. All things we are looking for to make any boat more of a family friendly fishing and cruising vessel.

This boat is even more capable of a vessel than my standard 22 Outrage. The extra weight from the increased fuel capacity and glass lay up allows the boat to handle large seas with great ease. Also, the added fiberglass lay up creates an extremely rigid hull that cuts right through the slop and rollers. The vessel can cruise at 30+ mph in 3' chop without problem. We have even ran it at 36+ mph in 4' seas. I have never been on a 22' vessel let alone a 25' - 27' vessel that handles the seas as well.

Here is what we know about the service history before we bought it in 2005. This vessel started it's life in Navy Service and was retired to the FBI / CIA and other Armed Forces training center in Geogria where it was used for training on a freshwater river. The boat was repowered in 1999 and saw little use after that.

All in all the boat is a solid vessel. All the mechanical an electronics have been upgraded since we bought the boat in December of 2005. The hull itself is in better condition than most government service vessels but, is still not perfect. It has been repainted during it's life and has it's bumps, scuffs, scratches and touch-ups here and there. Mechanically the vessel is a 9 of 10. Cosmetically it is a 7 of 10. I have attached a number of image I think represent the vessels condition well.

1989 Guardian hull list of features:

129 gallon fuel tank

Full width transom splash gate with flood doors

Large fully welded aluminum G5 battle console

Forward bow area reinforced for .50 caliber tripod mounting (none ever mounted)

Extra wide aluminum gunwales

Heavy duty reinforced cleats

Custom fab'd t-top with new spreader lights

Fully self draining cockpit and forward lockers via stern well. No brass thru hulls tubes at all in the hull

New commercial rub rail

New leaning post with storage and custom cushions

Custom fab'd stainless dash panels to flush mount all electronics as well as a custom fab'd storage tray.

Water tight console doors with custom stainless locking slam latches installed.

4 step deep water boarding ladder

Rigging and electronics:

New lenco retrofit trim tabs using the Bennett planes

Lenco in dash tab position indicator switch

Ritchie powerdamp compass

Teleflex gauges

Garmin 340C color fishfinder

Garmin 182C color chartplotter

Icom IC-M502 ship to shore VHF

Brand new Morse MT-3 twin control

Brand new teleflex Teflon coated control cables

Teleflex sea star hydraulic steering

2 Racor spin on fuel water seperators.

Twin batteries with individual perko switches

Most of the vessel's wiring has been cleaned up if not replaced

Forward and aft bilge pumps


1999 Mercury XR6 2.5 liter big block V6 150's

Motors have about 150 hours on them. We bought the boat with about 75ish hours which we were told where all freshwater. We have only used the boat on the Great lakes.

Starboard motor has the electronic oil pump retrofit

Both impellers have been replaced

Both lower units have had all new seals installed and starboard was completely overhauled.

Motors come with 3 blade Solas aluminum props. Turbo 4 blade stainless props may be included at an extra cost.


1989 Boston Whaler Government and Commercial products division heavy duty trailer built by loadrite. The trailer is a keel roller, bunk and roller bunk set up with 6 lug axles.

Trailer has been rewired with new LED lights all around
New heavy duty tired

Bearings replaced and bearing buddies installed

2 speed winch

New jack

Rebuilt loading guides

Trailer has brakes but they have been disconnected.
Pintle hitch removed and new coupler mount and 2" coupler installed.

Vessel Is located in Northern Michigan as well as the Detroit area depending on the time of year. Vessel can be sea trialed for prospective buyers if needed. Also willing to deliver the vessel up to 250 miles from the Detroit area with a nonrefundable deposit and purchase contract.

If you have any questions feel free to contact myself at: [email protected] or 248.376.5662 between 9am-5:30pm or from 7pm - 9pm EST.

Entire package listed at $19,500 obo. Also, may be interested in talking about possible trade of this vessel towards the purchase of larger Classic or Post Classic Whaler (or other like quality vessels). Vessel must be in solid turn key working condition.

I am sure I have forgotten something but I will answer all questions. Thanks.

Images of Vessel as of 8.29.09

More images of the Vessel and movies (click on any of the folders on the left).
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