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Old 02-14-2013, 06:43 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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hey, that's pretty slick
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:16 PM
workinpr0gress workinpr0gress is offline
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Originally Posted by cdavisdb View Post
Are you sure this stuff won't stay adhered underwater?
Says it needs air and washes out of clothes easily. Then how would it change the flow of the water over the surface even it could stay adhered?
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:20 PM
workinpr0gress workinpr0gress is offline
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Ultra-Ever Dry
1. What is the working temperature range for Ultra-Ever Dry SE 7.6.110?
Answer: The working temperature range for the product is from -30°F to 300°F (-34°C to 149°C) once it has beenapplied. It has been eff ective at temperatures up to 500°F, but we would recommend further testing for any applicationthat will see temperatures above 300°F (260°C).
2. How long will Ultra-Ever Dry coating last?
Answer: Environmental conditions will aff ect duration and these can vary. Abrasion is the leading cause of reductionin the coating’s life. Under non-abrasive, static conditions, you should expect to see many years of outdoorservice. Indoor applications will exceed that of outdoor applications.
3. What materials will the Ultra-Every Dry adhere or bond to?
Answer: Almost any material is a candidate for application; steel, aluminum, other metals, plastic, leather, fabric,wood, concrete, etc.
4. How abrasion-resistant is Ultra-Ever Dry SE 7.6.110?
Answer: One of the breakthroughs for this product is its abrasion resistance. The proprietary material providesmore abrasion resistance than previous superhydrophobic materials, registering a result of 110 on the Tabor AbrasionMethod (ASTM D4060-10). If abrasion is a concern, testing is recommended. If the coating is removed due toabrasion, it can be reapplied by re-spraying.
5. Will the coating still work if the top coat is greatly reduced due to abrasion?
Answer: Yes. In many situations, the super-hydrophobic nature of the material may be diminished but the remainingtop coat and bottom coat still provide the functionality of keeping the coated material from getting wet, icedupor corroding. This is application dependent.
6. How many square feet or square meters can a gallon cover?
Answer: 150 – 180 square feet or 14 -16 square meters.
7. How is Ultra-Ever Dry applied?
Answer: It is sprayed on using air sprayers, pump sprayers or even fi nger trigger sprayers. NOTE: Both parts (topand bottom coat) are required for all applications of Ultra-Ever Dry.
8. How long does Ultra-Ever Dry SE 7.6.110 take to cure?
Answer: Generally about 20 - 30 minutes for the bottom coat and 5-10 minutes for the top coat. This can be reducedby applying heat using an oven or an industrial heat gun or blow dryer.
9. What do the terms “superhydrophobic” and “oleophobic” mean?
Answer: Superhydrophobic refers to a coating that exhibits superior water repelling properties that exceeds 150degrees of contact angle when measuring the sphere of a drop of water on the surface. Ultra-Ever Dry creates anangle of 165-175 degrees. Well-known windshield water repellants are closer to 110 degrees and are only “hydrophobic”.Oleophobic refers to the ability to repel oil and other hydrocarbons.
10. What color is the coating?
Answer: The standard product is a translucent white. We do not have a transparent formula at this time. Customcolors are available upon request., minimums may apply. It is recommended to try the coating in an inconspicuousarea fi rst if color is important.
11. What is the shelf life of Ultra-Ever Dry and what temperature should it be stored at?
Answer: Typically, shelf life of the product will be one year when stored between 40°F and 90°F (4°C and 32°C).
12. Does UV aff ect Ultra-Ever Dry.
Answer: SE is resistant to UV between 5-7 years.
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:21 PM
workinpr0gress workinpr0gress is offline
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Ultra-Ever Dry
13. How chemically resistant is Ultra-Ever Dry?
Answer: As with most materials and coatings, this will depend on the chemical. In general, it is resistant to a widerange including most acids, caustics and refi ned oils. Testing may be required to ensure proper compatibility.
14. What chemicals will the material not work with?
Answer: Certain solvents, alcohols and soap/detergents will cause the surface of the coating to “wet-out”. Oncethese chemicals are removed, the superhydrophobicity will generally return.
15. Is the coating corrosion resistant?
Answer: Yes, it can improve the corrosion resistance of steel by fi ve to eight times.
16. Is it conductive?
Answer: No, it is non-conductive. It can be safely used to coat electric motors, switches, electrical components,light fi xtures, etc.
17. What does this product do to the transmission of vapors (air) through a material?
Answer: The passing of air through the coating is dependent on the substrate. There are surfaces were the coatingcan act as a liquid repellant under normal pressures, but is porous to any gases or vapor. If the base coat isapplied too thick and makes a continuous fi lm across the pores of the substrate, then vapor transmission will bediminished.
18. Is Ultra-Ever Dry fl ammable?
Answer: Polymer binders do not off er fl ammability resistance as polymers are carbon-based molecules andtherefore will eventually burn or melt. Please note, however, that the coating thicknesses are generally only about1-2 mils. We expect the overall fl ammability will be determined by the article being coated. At this time, we wouldadvise application-specifi c testing if fl ammability is a concern.
19. Can Ultra-Ever Dry be sprayed on hot surfaces or frozen surfaces?
Answer: Spraying on hot surface may cause solvent in the base coat to dry too fast for an eff ective coating. At thistime, we recommend applying the coating on surfaces up to 150°F (66°C). We do not have any experience withapplication on frozen surfaces at this time. We would recommend testing on lower temperatures prior to extensiveuse. Frozen surfaces will cause adhesion problem, if there is moisture on the surface. Cold surfaces that are free ofmoisture should not be a problem.
20. Are there environmental or safety concerns during application or after the coating has dried?
Answer: Once dry, there are no known environmental concerns. The coating is found to be safe for use in nonfoodcontacts areas of food processing plants. The coating meets FDA and USDA regulations for those type of applications.When applying the coating, we recommend using gloves and avoiding skin contact as it will dry out theskin. Goggles for eye protection and respirators with P100 pre-fi lters and organic vapor cartridges are also recommendedduring the spray-on application.
21. If Ultra-Ever Dry is applied to fabrics, will it wash off ?
Answer: Yes, after a few washes. We can provide diff erent binders (bottom coat) to enhance its durability in fabricsupon request.
22. Can you use Ultra-Ever Dry where it is continuously submerged in water or liquid, like the inside of a pipe withconstantly fl owing liquid?
Answer: No, this is not a good application. The reason the nano-coating relies on a barrier of oxygen/air to formthe barrier on the surface of the material it is coating. Unless the coating can become exposed to air every nowand then, it cannot “recharge”. So coating the inside of continuously fl owing pipes is not a prime application. If itis intermittent usage, it may work well. Steel coated with Ultra-Ever Dry has been immersed in salt water for 30days without any eff ect.
23. What does the alpha and numerical designation refer to on Ultra-Ever Dry?
Answer: The “SE” refers to the proprietary formula. The digits 7.6.110 indicate its level of hydrophobicity (waterrepelling) is a 7 out of a scale of 1-8. Its oleophobicity (oil repelling) is a 6 out of 8 and its Tabor abrasion resistancereading is 110.
24. It seems like the Ultra-Ever Dry coating is rubbing off onto my hands. Is that normal?
Answer: The whitish coating that comes off in your hands if you rub is excess nanoparticles that have combinedand bonded to each other because there were no more surface molecules to bond to. It is excess coating. NOTEue to the natural oils in the skin, excessive handling with bare hands of treated materials can cause a reduction inperformance.
25. What is the return policy for Ultra-Ever Dry?
Answer: All sales are fi nal. We are unable to accept returns on the product because of the shelf life (1 year). Ultra-Ever Dry is stamped with a “best by” date and because of that, returns are not practical.
11542 Davis Creek Court, Jacksonville, Florida 32256 USA
Thank goodness that in the scheme of things you are broke, powerlesss and inconsequential, because with the shortsighted alternatives and idealogy you have you'd be much worse than those you complain about.
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Old 02-14-2013, 10:02 PM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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Thanks, that is more than I could find.

So it won't work with a boat that is in the water all the time. Workability on trailered boats seems up in the air. How often does it need to "recharge"? How abrasion resistant? Sounds like it might work real well for freediving, not so sure about hulls. Somebody is going to have to try it.
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Old 02-14-2013, 11:15 PM
NoBones NoBones is offline
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Thompson's Water Sealer and Scotch Guard sounds about the same ...
Alot cheaper as well...
See ya, Ken ©
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Old 02-18-2013, 01:56 PM
shine shine is offline
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I have a toilet plunger coated with it Sh** wont stick
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Old 02-18-2013, 08:47 PM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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Dug a little deeper. Looks like we are mostly out of luck. Depth and high pressure screw it up, squeezes out and/or compresses the air layer until it stops working.

If those problems could be overcome, the documented drop in drag is so huge for freedivers and, I assume, for boat hulls that it would be like magic for speed and fuel economy.

Oh well, next.
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