Originally Posted by cdavisdb
Hi Gerry. Don't worry, grab it while you can.
No question, the 25 is tender, more than a 25 Bertram (I had one of those too) or 24 Seabird, but, I think, a little less than a 23 Formula or Albermarle. As built(like what I have) it does not have the vicious snap roll that will get you in a Formula or Albe, so I find the roll acceptable. Adjusting the tabs gets to be second nature, not significantly different from a formula or Albe, you don't even think about it. I do 10-12 day Bahama trips with it, staying on the boat, its fine.
As somebody said, in a tight turn the 25 banks like a jet fighter . Funny thing is, it feels just fine while it is doing that, doesn't scare you at all, always in total control.
A great thing about its tenderness is how quickly it responds to turning the wheel. This allows you to set the hull down on the next sea exactly perpendicular to the water's surface, getting the softest possible landing. Takes a day or two's practice, but works wonderful. I've had mine out in some pretty nasty stuff, large, steep following seas, Big, hard breaking side seas. Never had to slow down in anything except when head seas got up around 5 ft. Sometimes, looking at the situation around the boat would scare the bejebbers out of me, but the boat always felt like it was taking a sedate walk in the park, a very odd contrast that took me a while before I believed fully in the boat. The boat is different and takes a little experience, but I have much, much more confidence in taking it offshore than anything else I've ever owned or spent much time in, including Bertram 25, Seabird 24, Thompson 28, Seabird 19, Seacraft 20, numerous 23 Formulas, and a 30 ft Chris Craft open fish go fast boat.