In 60 years of trailering this was my first bearing failure. Thanks to all for some interesting remarks & tips on my tandem axle post. On occasion I roll one wheel onto a block of wood to check the rotation and if there is any excessive play in the unloaded wheel. Somehow this one got away from me. I am most thankful the wheel did not come off on the interstate and cross the road endangering others like I witnessed years ago from a trailer that was about to pass me going about 80. I currently have the boat stored about two miles from our normal ramp and with new bearings, hubs and tires on that axle. And also did the rotation, play check, and grease fill on the other axle.
We had another great time at the home we rented on Lake Hartwell. The grands progressed from skiing off the ski boom with the bridge between the skis, to a 6’ line attached to the boom, then to the 75’ long line and with the bridge replaced by bungee thereby providing another degree of freedom. My son and daughter remarked I didn’t use this baby step method for them. They were at the end of the normal ski rope with Mom holding them in the right position until “hit it" time. With the bungee the 8 YO boy was lifting one ski and then the other in anticipation of slalom- next time!