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Old 12-09-2003, 02:28 PM
Brian Rice Brian Rice is offline
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Default Scuppers

Any word on the new scuppers for the 23'? Someone was in the process of coming up with a self bailing system.


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Old 12-09-2003, 02:49 PM
John R John R is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

Check this thread:;f=1;t=000753
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Old 12-15-2003, 03:50 PM
GetReel GetReel is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

Brian: I have self-bailing scupper tubes that exit aft, but external ball/cups are necessary to prevent in-flow with several anglers and full fuel. I don't mind the look, some don't like. Overall I think its a plus. I'm at Twin Lights again this winter-check it out. Jeff.
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Old 12-15-2003, 05:39 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

Personally, I can't believe how small the stock scupper holes are to begin with - what is it 1" ? That seems really small for a boat that is for light offshore use. My 20' Grady overnighter, a much less seaworthy boat, had 2-2.5" stock scuppers. Never a problem.

I'm in the process of re-doing the transom on a 23' Tsunami ( actually it's done ) and I have not heard of any better scupper solution than Fellowships - and that is a solution only to keep the water out of the boat ( a great idea too.)

There must be a way to enlarge the scupper hole and keep unwanted water out... I like the idea of a bigger scupper hole to get that water out !

There was a thread in the CS site that mentioned going through the transom and using an exhaust flap to keep water out. He used 2" PVC pipe. The guy who posted wrote," Only crabs/water/cod innards go out. Nothing comes in. Even when backing down."

I have not been able to find out who wrote this and to see if he is still happy w/ this application. It was on a 23', 1979 c/c. And, I do not have the balls to cut holes in my transom to test the theory.

I know a lot has been written about this, but I do not feel that a solid solution has ever been discovered yet.

And, on a final note - I do not like the ball in the scupper idea ( Rabud ) - seems like a problem in the making for a boat that stays in the water all the time. Maybe for a trailer-able boat ?

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Old 12-16-2003, 04:17 PM
Brian Rice Brian Rice is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

Thanks for the feed back. I agree there is no way in the world that if the you know what hits the fan that two 1" holes are going to do a damn thing. So I am still in search of the perfect scupper system. But on a better note I may just use the simple method and follow what Jeff has done for two reasons- 1) the boat stays on a lift.2) I am close to being finished with taking a 23' boat offshore I am in the process of getting a bigger boat(which has 3" scuppers).


[ December 16, 2003, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: NJfishman ]
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Old 12-17-2003, 10:00 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

If I keep the scupper in the floor, then Fellowships patented "Vortex" idea will work, I'm sure. However, I still wish the scupper hole, even in the floor, was 2". I want the water OUT - fish guts, small leaves etc...

I am going to be removing the scupper garboard tubes to R/R. At that time, I will decied what I am going to do. My options are:

a) just replace w/ new, 1" tubes.

b) drill it out and install 2" PVC tubes - and use a larger version of the Vortex

c) Seal the floor hole up and drill through the transom w/ a 2" hole and hope for the best ?

Time will tell. I could just go w/ option A for now and wait to see how it works out. It's just that I have the cap off the stern now and access is great. The cap is going to be glassed back on within the next (2) weeks !
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Old 12-18-2003, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: Scuppers

Ha Abl111
If you go with bigger scuppers I would only go through the transom not down through the deck for a few reasons. First off a 2” hole might cause a reverse effect on water shooting up while you run the boat just like a bracket causes the water to rise from the transom to the motor and you need to take that into consideration when you set you motor up that 2” hole could grab water on the back side of the scupper and push it up when you run your boat on a plane. The second reason is that the scupper pipe goes through a 3” wide piece of wood that was installed between the deck and the hull. If you go with a 2” hole you could lose the integrity of that system and cause water to leak into the boat either from the deck or up through the hull into the bilge. If you go with 2” scuppers plug up the deck scuppers and go through the transom.
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Old 12-18-2003, 07:09 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Scuppers

Point well taken... I have to take a long hard look at this scupper thing. I just have so many other things to worry about/plan/do that I have not been able to really think about it.
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