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Old 07-27-2004, 07:48 PM
huffy huffy is offline
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Default saw a project boat 1975? 18 cc

I went to look at a seacraft that was advertised on boattrader as an 18 cc for 3,500. obo. The boat looked more like a 20cc it had serious gelcoat stress cracks, 1985 150 mariner that didn't run or turn over, a trailer that was to long. The gentleman was open for offers, looks like you could get it for 1500. or less. He says it was garage kept for 3 years numbers on boat say 01. Boat need lots of work. The transom , deck and hull were very solid, no soft spots. thought somebody might be interested. the man lives in Naples, Fl his number is 239-732-7581. He is not as honest on the phone. Drove all the way from Stuart to look at it and was not for me.
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Old 07-28-2004, 10:06 AM
FOR-ROCH FOR-ROCH is offline
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Default Re: saw a project boat 1975? 18 cc

Greetings :
I live in Naples Florida . I also went and saw the 18' Seacraft which is the subject of your post . I agree with everything you said , except the potential purchase price . I offered the guy $ 2, 500.00 and he turned me down . Although he told me he had owned the boat for 6 years , he didn't seem to really know much about the condition of his boat . He told me the fuel tank was new . I unscrewed a round plastic hatch which exposed the fuel sender and discovered the large bunch of green corrosion - The size of a jaw breaker on top of the sender . When I mentioned the corrosion , he said well yeah I replaced the tank 3 or 4 years ago . Two weeks prior to his add in boat trayder , I saw an add for an 18' Seacraft for $ 2, 500.00 in the Ft. Myers paper for $ 2, 500.00 . That add said the boat needed work . When I called on this add , the fellow said a man from Naples had just bought it . I think the current seller of the 18' boat in your post bought it two weeks ago from the guy in Ft. Myers and is just looking to flip it for a quick buck . I don't know why he would choose to misrepresent the boat's history and current condition . Did you notice the crack running the full length of the middle port side lifting strake/chine ? Did it bother you that the gunnel cap had been so badly cracked up on both sides of the boat ? Do you think it came off a trailer and flipped over on the ground ? I really want an 18' , but I too had to pass on this one for the price . There must be something better than that for sale . Sorry to be so long winded , but that seller got me worked up .
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Old 08-09-2004, 11:18 PM
eggsuckindog eggsuckindog is offline
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Default Re: saw a project boat 1975? 18 cc

Sounds fishy keep looking, it'll be OK
Any way you measure it - dumbass is expensive
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