Is it spring yet?
After a week of 70's and 80's in South Florida last week, I was unpreparred for the reality of several weeks of winter remaining in Western New York State.
Friends with island cottages are walking across the ice on the St. Lawrence River to hug their summer getaways and hard core fishing buddies are either in the Keys or ice fishing through 12" to 20" solid water on the bays ajacent to Lake Ontario. The record for Yellow Perch is what, 3 pounds and change? I actually broke down and went snowboarding with the kids this week. Thank God for helmets. I'm afraid to even board any of the SeaCraft collection because at 15 degrees, I might crack the gel coat under the extra winter fat we all know and love. March is definately a winter month for us. The ice will clear out of the launch ramps by April. The month of April brings the early brown trout into the shallows to feed on the early spawning baitfish, closely followed by Kings, Steelhead and Lakers. That pilothouse would be good as the water temperature struggles through the 40's. So, I guess we're looking at 4 to 6 weeks. Better than 4 to 6 months, I suppose. Time to hammer down on finishing up the indoor projects, cause I'm ready to spend some quality time on a SeaCraft. Honey, home stretch on the honey-do list.
Otto And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory... |
Re: Is it spring yet?
Hey Otto, How are ya? Not spring here either. Late March will bring the two to three week run of inshore Cobia. Hoping you arrive in time for that. Basically light tackle, fifteen minute boat ride. Not terribly hot-usually. Chum slick, baits on bottom, COLD BEERS on top, watch your rod tips, and release the one and two foot sharks til you feel something around thirty-five pounds. Doesn't get much better than that! Have you kept up with the Whaler project (zotcha)? Tommy and I have been busting our Arces! Also, the JS may be repowered in time for Mt. Dora, Fla., March 18 (ACBS) and hopefully still running in April when you arrive. Keep in touch. Spring is coming! Vezo, Part II.
Re: Is it spring yet?
I really feel for you fellas up north. We have had a very wet season here in N. California. Still cloudy and raining off and on. I took the kids out yesterday for largmouths in our canoe. We got 9.... all in the 3-4 pound range. They were acting a little sluggish but tugged hard enough to make it a challenge for the kids to reel in. We had two otters swim right op to the boat and lots of ducks flying around.
Sturgeon is on the slow bite right now so I have not been trying much for them yet. Been working on my house a lot and just jumping on the seacraft once in a while were it sits in it's enclosure protected from the elements. I just like to look at what I've done to it so far and think about what a nice boat they are. What happened with the 20 sceptre Otto? strick
"I always wanted to piss in the Rhine" (General George Patton upon entering Germany) |
Re: Is it spring yet?
I'll see you around April 16 in HHI. Hopefully, you can show me some of those tactics in person. Strick, Work on your house is a much better investment in time than the boat, but not as much fun. You don't miss much re the 20' Septre. It ended not meeting the reserve price at $3,000. He was asking $4,800.
Otto And yes, I still believe in the four boat theory... |
Re: Is it spring yet?
Ha Otto;
You could always trailer you boat out on that ice drill two holes in the ice set out the outriggers directly over those two holes drop lines in and then start dreaming your back here where it is warm. Think about it. FellowShip [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] |
Re: Is it spring yet?
10 deg, wind gusting to 60, wind chills to -30 yup nice March day in Mass. Should be mud and bugs any day now. Scotty.
Re: Is it spring yet?
I pulled in my driveway after work last night and ended up in a mud puddle. This morning my truck is frozen into that same mud puddle, with 6 inches of snow on top. Right now it's 8* with a wind chill of -15* or so. Gotta love New England!! [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img] |