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As many of you know, this boat sunk on me several months ago. Here are some pre & post sinking pictures.
[image]http:// ![]() [image] ![]() ![]() [image]http:// ![]() [image]http:// ![]() This picture was taken as soon as she was pulled out after sinking. [image] ![]() I am fairly certain that she somehow got caught underneath the dock behind our home. As soon as the boat was pulled out of water by our very own Finster, I wisked her away to my friendly mechanic. He had both engines running in about a ½ hour. He then pickled them. The buyer can either try to reuse these engines or part them out. The boat is for sale, as is, for $4,500. For another $1,500, I will include a 2005 Venture bunk style trailer. Here is what comes with the boat Boat 1978 23’ SF. Redid bolster cushions and leaning post in 2005. Also, installed a new Seastar hydraulics steering system. Nice teak work. Nice tee top w/electronic box and screen enclosure. Also, the transom was replaced in 1998. Engine Twin 1998 150 HP Yamaha’s w/stainless steel prop’s. I am guessing that they have about 650 hours. Cruise in low 30’s & WOT of 43MPH or so (at 5,300 RPM’s). Electronics 2 VHF radios, Furuno 1623CF GPS/FF, Furuno 1610 radar, Apelco loran, Apelco color FF (Note – since the sinking I removed both the Furuno Radar and GPS/FF units. I attached them to a marine battery. They both powered up. However, this does not mean they will wrok for the long term) As a result of the submerging, the boat needs to be rewired. Without it nothing will power on. Also, there are two soft spots on the deck. If you have any questions, please fire away. Thanks for looking. Peter PS If I don't sell it to a CSC lurker by this weekend, off she goes to EBAY. Also, the boat is located on Long Beach Island, NJ. I will be down there on Saturday should anyone want to see the boat.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
do you have a phone number i can call you tomorrow to discuss?
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
what time of day is good to call?
That's my cell phone number. I will be in and out of meetings all day. If you call at a particular time and I can't pick it up, leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
ok. i will buzz you in the am to discuss. thanks,
so will I
so let me get this strait, the engines run, the boat will float, and all it needs is a rewiring and to get the soft spots checked out?
1984 Seacraft 20' SF. W/2004 Mercury Saltwater 150 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l2...LOGODONE-1.jpg |
Yes, the boat floats.
The engines ran after it sunk. They were remote key'ed. Also, my marine mechanic ran the engines a couple of days after the fact. He did this because he said that engines can lock up sometimes. If I was going to keep the boat I don't know if I would keep the engines. Maybe I would or maybe I would sell/part them out and use that money to but a 225 hp or 250 hp engine. I say this because to continue using the Yamahas you probably need to replace the starters and alternators, as well as the gauges (possibly). I would not want to make this investment and then have issues down the road. However, if you are handy with Yamaha's and have access to spare parts, than you may opt to keep the engines and drive them into the ground. Lastly, regarding the deck, the bow section is like a rock. The main deck has two soft spots. Also, the previous owner drilled a couple of needless holes where the t top goes into the deck. I patched it up but it could still look better. Also, there are some spinder cracks in the deck. I was planing on redoing the lower deck one of these days but did not get around to it. You could either use it as is, patch up the soft spots or replace it. Hope this answers the questions.
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n...iseacraft3.jpg |
yep, that stinks it sunk, is that why you are selling it?
Well, I just wanted to see what was up, If I had 4,500 layin around I'd buy it ![]()
1984 Seacraft 20' SF. W/2004 Mercury Saltwater 150 http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l2...LOGODONE-1.jpg |
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