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Old 06-24-2009, 09:41 AM
travisrandall travisrandall is offline
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Default 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

I have bought Diego Toiran's Reel Smoker. It has a full transom with an Armstrong bracket and now a 225 Merc carbed engine. what kind of prop should I be running? Diego had a 16 pitch on with the OMC, seemed kinda low to me. My tach is giving me problems, but hopefully I have it fixed now, just not much time to water test it. We have the engine hung as low as possible and it seems to want to blow out or cavitate the 21 pitch prop that is on it. I can run 35 mph, gps, and it seems comfortable. My question is when you get the pad of the hull on top of the water is the boat high out of the water or do I have something else wrong? I noticed that I cant open the throttle right away to get on plane I have to ease into it. any ideas?
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Old 06-24-2009, 10:47 AM
PipeDreamsMarine PipeDreamsMarine is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

What prop is it? or I should say what type of prop.. Laser,Rebel... I had a Whaler with twin E-tecs blow out really bad on the hole shot. Switched over to Rebels with the bigger blades and rake fix the problem.

There are alot of 16p props but they arn't the same.
Don Battin
Pipe Dreams Marine
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Old 06-24-2009, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

I have been on the Reel Smoker several times. The Armstrong bracket does not have much positive flotation. You need to lower the trim tabs on the hole shot. I ran a 17" Viper on my 225HP & now the same on my 250HP. You should get some where around 5400 - 5700 rpms = 46mph (+ or -) top end.

1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP --------

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Old 06-24-2009, 05:09 PM
thehermit thehermit is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

I ran a 17" Viper on my 225HP & now the same on my 250HP. You should get some where around 5400 - 5700 rpms = 46mph (+ or -) top end.
Capt...what was the diameter on the 17p viper?
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Old 06-24-2009, 05:57 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

John - My Brother runs a 17P viper on his 150 omc. It's an awesome prop, but I think the diameter is only 14.75". His is a lefty

Remind me to let you borrow my Mirage Plus 17p with the OMC FloTorq 2 hub kit.
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Old 06-24-2009, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

Capt...what was the diameter on the 17p viper?

14 3/4 x 17

1978 23' Superfish/Potter Bracket 250HP --------

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Old 06-24-2009, 08:25 PM
strick strick is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

My question is when you get the pad of the hull on top of the water is the boat high out of the water or do I have something else wrong?
not sure what your question is exactly but the 23 Seacraft has a very narrow 3" pad that runs 2/3 the length of the boat before tapering down to nothing at the bow and yes the boat is high out of the water when you are running on this pad.

You should be able to goose it and jump right up on plane without easing into it. Sounds like you need to try a different prop as suggested.

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Old 06-25-2009, 02:57 PM
travisrandall travisrandall is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

it has a 21 pitch laser II on it now
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Old 06-25-2009, 04:16 PM
Bigshrimpin Bigshrimpin is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

Tbag - 21 pitch is WAY WAY too much pitch for that setup. 3.0L merc's are thirsty enough without be lugged down. Drop down to a 15 Pitch Mirage Plus and you'll pick up speed and a LOT of rpm's. The ratio on that motor is 1.75 and you'll detonate that engine lugging it down with a 3800/4000 rpm WOT. I am surprised you can even plane with that combo. Also the Laser II is a tiny bow lifting prop (designed for bass boats and such) . . . it's ok for a 20 seacraft with a lightweight 200+ hp motor, but not even close to the best prop for a big ole 225 3.0L merc pushing a 23 seacraft.
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Old 07-18-2009, 11:42 AM
travisrandall travisrandall is offline
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Default Re: 1973 23' cc with bracket performance??

I have tried many different props, i can turn a 19 high enough but i dont get anymore speed than a 17 mirage. whenever i hit 33-34 mph the motor isnt getting enough water, the guage bounces around and eventually runs hot. I have the 225 merc mounted as low as possible on the bracket and it is in the water when on plane. do any of you guys have a 23' with bracket? and where are things positioned? i know i can get more than 35 mph out of her but not with heat issues.
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