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Old 08-27-2009, 06:33 PM
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Default Repowering

Anyone had any experience with a 175 ETEC? Good engine?
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:11 AM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Default Re: Repowering

I've had zero problems with my 150 in over 200 hrs/3 years of service. Just recently bought my 3rd gallon of XD100 full synthetic oil, so I think I've used less oil than if I had a 4 stroke! Local dealer sells it in bulk for 35-40 $/gal. He also sells Yamaha and Honda, and says he's had fewer problems with the E-Tec's than either of the other two.

The 150 has tons of mid-range torque; 175 is same block with a bit more "tuning" so it probably has a little stronger top end. The 2008 brochure showed the 150 HP curve peaking at about 5000 (@ 165 hp!), and mine does seem pretty flat over about 5200; I tried a SS Powertech 4B 15 x 17p prop with heavy load and it only turned 5200. Dropped down to a 15x15 expecting to pick up about 400 rpm but only picked up about 200. I suspect the drag on a large diameter 4B prop goes up pretty fast at higher RPM so that might be part of the problem. I have a 14x18p aluminum 4B Michigan prop that will turn 5600 with no problem, so I should probably try one of the smaller diameter BRP 4B props. Could probably run the 17" prop if I had a 175, but I seldom run over about 4000. I mainly wanted the strong mid-range torque for heavy loads and heavy seas, and the 150 with the 15x15 prop has that in spades!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 08-28-2009, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Repowering


It sounds like maybe I don't need the 175. Over the years, the old OMC engines always had two or three different engines with the same basic block. The HP was generated through tuning and carburetion. I was always a proponent of going with the engine with the smallest horsepower on that particular block. It seemed logical to me that the less stress on a block, the better. Instead of going with a 140, which was the high HP of the 115, 125 and 140 engines in the 1970's, my dad would go with the 125 or with the 150, which was the same block as the 175 and 185. Whether that is good science or not I don't know - but it seemed logical. Your experience with the 150 points me the same direction. I was looking at a 175 only because the engine I am replacing on my 20SF is a 175, albeit a carbureted rebuilt 1990 yami. Runs like a scared rabbit but drinks like a fish. Thanks for the input!
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Old 08-28-2009, 04:57 PM
Rainmaker Rainmaker is offline
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Default Re: Repowering

I have nothing for you on the 175 but I will share my thoughts on eTEC. I have a 2006 225 on my 23' CC. I could not be happier with the motor. I have put 900 hours on it in the last 2.5 years without any issues to speak of. I had an issue with my tach but nothing with the motor. I also run the XD100 but I have used plenty of it... My fuel consumption has gone down around 40% vs the 250hp merc I used to run. It is a much nicer sound and does require less maintenance. After saying that, keep in mind you will NEVER get 300 hours out of your lower unit oil or plugs so even though you may read 300 hours between service I would suggest new plugs every 100 hours or less and at the same time I would replace the lower unit oil. Beyond that, it is a great product. I figure this was the only shot BRP had and if it did not go well they would have lost a ton of $$$.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
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