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Old 06-24-2013, 11:20 PM
Seacraft84 Seacraft84 is offline
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Default 72 Seacraft Safari

Looking at buying this boat. Is it the same hull as the SF and MA?
Does it have the fiberglass stringer system?
Looking at making it a center console
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Old 06-25-2013, 12:07 AM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Best year of Seafari. What a waste to cut it up, IMO. Yes, glass stringers. Same hull, different liners. What a waste to cut one up, IMO. Plenty of SFs in SE USA. You'd save a bunch of time and money finding one on CL between NJ and FL and towing it home.
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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Old 06-25-2013, 08:47 AM
pianewman pianewman is offline
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^^^this. Please reconsider. Search a bit more, you'll find the right SF/MA that someone ELSE has redone. Save you time and money.
The Seafari is a special boat, wonderfully engineered.
1971 20' Seafari, 3.0 Merc. I/O
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:14 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by Seacraft84 View Post
. . . Looking at making it a center console
It's spelled Seafari, and butchering one to turn it into a CC is a bad idea for any number of reasons, particularly from an engineering perspective, but that doesn't seem to stop amateur naval architects from proposing it about every 6 months! Not only is it MUCH cheaper and easier to just buy a center console model, of which THOUSANDS were made over about 25 years, by SeaCraft Industries and Tracker as well as Potter and Moesly. Only 741 Seafari’s were built for over 10 years, only by Moesly and Potter. As others have mentioned, it would be a shame to destroy a relatively rare and uniquely versatile model to turn it into something that’s so common.

As Gillie said, there are some differences between the Seafari and CC in the cap/inner liner, and those differences are there for some VERY significant structural reasons. I always wondered why the CC models didn’t have the under-gunnel rod holders and handy shelf in the back that runs the entire length of the cockpit in the Seafari, but I think I finally figured it out. The cabin top, bulkheads and raised 6.5’ cabin bunks in the Seafari add a LOT of torsional stiffness to the hull! Since the CC’s don’t have any of that structure, the only way they can attain some (but probably not all) of the Seafari’s stiffness is to create a box section in the back of the hull by closing in the inner liner! (Some CC owners that have ridden in my boat in rough seas have said it feels a lot more solid than their CC’s when punching into big waves, and now I think I know why!) The CC’s do have the raised casting platform up front that compensates for some of stiffness lost by opening the sides of the inner liner up forward for rod holders. However I don't think that configuration has nearly the torsional stiffness that you get with a full width cabin top supported by a couple of ¾” plywood bulkheads!

So you’re proposing to eliminate all that rigid structure in a hull that DOESN’T have the box section in the back of the inner liner? I think the result will be a “wobbly noodle” in terms of it’s torsional stiffness! Take a shoe box with the top taped on it and try to twist it. Then remove the top and cut out one end, and twist it again, and I think you’ll get the idea.

I suppose you could try to stiffen the hull by increasing it’s thickness by adding some balsa core and extra glass above the water line, or even foam core if you use epoxy resin and vacuum bag it to insure the foam bonds to the hull. This will significantly increase the bending strength of the hull, but it won’t do a lot to increase it’s torsional stiffness. That full inner liner in the back of a CC essentially creates a hull with 6” thick sides, and coring the hull to make it 1” thick obviously won’t be nearly as stiff as one that’s 6” thick! Sort of like adding some corrugated cardboard to the sides of the cut up shoebox.

Now I know that SeaCrafts are seriously overbuilt compared to most of the competition, and I suppose that even one that’s been badly butchered is still probably more robust than the average Bayliner, but why start with a superior design and turn it into something that’s just ordinary?! To this old engineer, that just seems wrong on so many levels!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 06-25-2013, 09:50 PM
DonV DonV is offline
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Hey Denny, you should copy/paste this reply into a word document. It will make it easier to use as a reply the next time this comes up........and I'm sure it will. Take care Sir!
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Old 06-25-2013, 10:33 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Hey Don,

I WROTE it in MS Word first! I've lost too many CSC posts because I hit the wrong key, so I started using MS Word for a long winded post, which many of mine are, then cut & paste! Denny
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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Old 06-26-2013, 09:04 AM
DonV DonV is offline
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"Great minds think alike"....well maybe your mind, not so much mine. However I'm with you on the copy/paste from a MS word file, it's because I'm lazy.
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Old 06-30-2013, 03:32 AM
parrott parrott is offline
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Seacraft84 is also my username. My father posted the question. We were not sure if it had fiberglass box stringers.
Not sure why people get all upset over turning a cuddy into a CC. The dang things arent gonna sell anyways. Who wants a cuddy that will not selfbail with todays motors on them?? Yes put a two stroke on it, but then who wants to buy it?? No one... Plus it still wont selfbail.
As far as a amateur naval architect, not flying this thing to the moon, so im sure alittle glass and resin will make it "stiff" enough for here on earth....Fiberglass work is not rocket science.
And no liner will be in any seacraft that I restore again. Takes up room. My last MA was plenty strong w/o a liner. Tightest seacraft ive been on.
Next project will be to take one of these superior designs and turn it into something extraordinary. Im sure everyone is gonna love what we do to the next project.
I will be more than happy to save the cuddy liner for anyone who wants it. All I want is the hull.

Last edited by parrott; 06-30-2013 at 03:36 AM.
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Old 06-30-2013, 11:46 AM
flyingfrizzle flyingfrizzle is offline
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Originally Posted by parrott View Post
Seacraft84 is also my username.
I figured that out a while back. Thought one was you and one your father but after reading threw a few post realized you must post with both of them. Is that seafari the yellow one that was on c.l. awhile back? I tried to go to Morehead to get a yellow one for cheep but it sold before I could get there.
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Old 06-30-2013, 02:23 PM
parrott parrott is offline
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Naw this one is white. Newer aluminum trailer. I made Seacraft84 when I restored my 23'
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