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Hey guys, new to group, I'll be bringing a new to me 2000 32 Master Angler with twin 250 Suzuki's home this coming week. Question, previous owner is running the factory Zuki 3 blade 16 x 18.5 props, cruise is 28 knts @ 4300 rpm, maxes it out arouns 38 at 5900. Cav plates are about even with the bottom of boat. How does these #'s look? Does she need more prop? She turns up quick and gets on plane easily, 90% of the time she will be running out of Morehead City NC
Thanks |
I guess i asked the wrong crowd
Check out my recent sticky post on propping and AV plate height if you haven't already read it.. You may need to raise motors, but I also understand the Zukes need to run lower than most due to close clearance between blade tips and AV plate, so you really won't know till you run it. If in doubt, I'd raise motors and see how it does before you start screwing around with props!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975. http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z...Part2019-1.jpg |
Naw.....we are not too versed on big boats like the 32'er you have. We are more into little, very old, classic SeaCraft boats. If we were to give you some shaky information your performance numbers would probably suffer.
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Thanks lol, I looked at the AV plate clearance / props and yes its close. the motors AV plate is just about even with the bottom of hull plane, several people said raise them a hole and switch to 4 blades as cruise is where I'll run as the ol body cant take going fast anymore.
Thanks |
You're rpms are in the right place and your performance sounds decent. Cav plate sounds close. If you you have the gumption, raise the motors a notch and see where it puts you. I suppose if you started tweaking on it you might get 2 or 3 knots more, but if you ain't runnin and gunnin to kingfish haunts, who cares? Props of that size ain't cheap. Cruise easy and keep your tumblers and tank full.
there's no such thing as normal anymore... |
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Im out of Newbern area actually down in the county (Pamlico/Craven area) You any kin to R E Mayo or the Mayo family that runs the commercial fish house in Hoebucken?
Current SeaCraft projects: 68 27' SeaCraft Race boat 71 20' SeaCraft CC sf 73 23' SeaCraft CC sf 74 20' SeaCraft Sceptre 74 20' SeaCraft CC sf |
Distant relatives lol, I was raised in Mesic. The boat is owned by a farmer in Alliance, palm beach style hard top, dark blue hull sides. One thing I dont trust is the factory Zuki analogue gauges, plan to swap to digital SIMs connected units to get a accurate rpm off each motor then go from there. I'll report as I progress, thanks
rmayo jr |
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Where your at with the props don't sound bad. You may could prop it more but running out of the turning basin (Morehead) offshore your only going to be able to run it flat out on select days...Planning at low speeds may be more important. Understand both sides. When you gotta run 60 miles out to hit the break its nice to be able to get there quicker.
Current SeaCraft projects: 68 27' SeaCraft Race boat 71 20' SeaCraft CC sf 73 23' SeaCraft CC sf 74 20' SeaCraft Sceptre 74 20' SeaCraft CC sf |
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