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Old 11-16-2018, 04:36 PM
Captain Captain is offline
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Default 27 SeaCraft Inboard For Sale

This is an amazing opportunity to own one of the rarest boats that Carl Mosely designed and Bill Potter modified and built! There are only a few of these boats ever built. I am an ex commercial fisherman dating back to the 70's and am a Large Yacht Captain who owns a Charter Fishing Boat and also own a Yacht repair/maintenance company at Ocean Reef Club. My family owned 135 acres in Princeton from the 50's-90's where SeaCrafts were built. I mention this to give credence to my experience. My family has owned over a dozen vintage SeaCrafts and I currently own 2. I have NEVER seen a small vessel constructed with the level of detail that this boat possess. From the moment I saw this boat I was in! When I approached the boat the first thing I noticed was that the boat was a pocket hull, holy crap! I knew of its benefits, less prop shaft angle and less draft. The cons are less maneuverability at slow speeds because a large vessel acts like a sail, this boat doesn't suffer from this problem being a center console. Phoenix started in 1988, Cabo in 1991 and Tiara in 1992. Viking Yachts didn't start using this design until 2003 on their new 56'. To say this boat was ahead of its time is an understatement! This is a 27' with a 9' beam, I had seen a few outboard setups over the years but non like this. This boat was rigged like a Yacht in every way. I had never seen so many mechanical systems on a small boat. As soon as I lifted the first hatch I realized the boat was special in its design. A lot of boat companies have the right idea when it comes to hatch design, with the channeling and the drain system but where they fall short is the depth of the hatch. Very few manufacturers create a hatch with the depth height tall enough and the curb height tall enough to actually remove the water without it overflowing into the space below. They counter the problem with a gasket but it does not eliminate the problem. They also use half inch drains in the corner to remove the water which is insufficient. The large hatches on this boat are over 2" tall and have two drains that are 3/4" which equals 1 1/2" total drainage for a single hatch. The boat has a T-Tower (Dual Station) which allows you to fish 360° around the boat as opposed to a regular tower that has the legs coming down to the gunnels. The center console has a sink and a toilet as well as rod storage. It is massive and is glassed in to the boat instead of being screwed in. It is large enough to make a two person sleeping bearth in it. It has a 30+ gallon indeck live well. It also has a 30+ gallon kill box which could be plumbed as a live well in the transom. There are two 2inch self bailing deck drains built into the transom. After buying the boat and researching its history I found out that this boat was in the mold when Johnny Morris (Bass Pro Shops/World Wide Sportsman Owner) bought SeaCraft and he built it for himself, it was obvious no expense was spared because who builds a center console like this? In 25 years at Ocean Reef I hadn't encountered a center console like this. Every bit of bottom paint was sanded off and although I raised an eyebrow, I wasn't that surprised to find not a single blister on the boat, it had lived in the water for a period of time with just bottom paint, no barrier coat. After removing the bottom paint we put 5 coats of InterluxProtect 2000E Epoxy Barrier Coat on the bottom. I had 2-3 guys spend 8+ months prepping the boat for paint. When I brought the boat to Larry Locke in Key Largo (The best painter I know) for paint, he said "in over 30 years of painting boats he had never gotten a boat prepped this beautiful". We hand blocked out the entire boats 545 primer with 400 grit. It was like glass! I personally masked off the boat with him and his guy EJ leaving a smooth reveal around each heavy duty pop-up cleat I had gotten for the boat and every rod holder, as well as the template for a Lewmar ProFish Freefall windlass on the bow to give the boat a total factory look when the nonskid was shot. Just to give you perspective on Larry, Mercury Marine sends him the new unseen by the public models to be painted for their release at the boat shows. The boat came out amazing, we painted it it in Awlgrip Marlin Blue. I have over 20k in prep and paint. I cut the 1" buggy top off and rebuilt it in 1 1/4" to be able to handle a 4' open array radar (it folds as well). I also built a beam to beam rear, removable bench seat out of aluminum. The Aluminum work alone is worth over $25k. The (4) fuel tanks were wrapped in glass with West System Epoxy, primed with 545 then Awlgripped Snow White to ensure a lifetime of reliability. I also Awlgripped the bilge, mufflers and battery box as well. The majority of the parts of the boat ave been completely stripped, ready for Awlgrip or powder coating. There are custom made starboard dash panels set up to lock. This boat is ready for power. My plan was to repower with common rails. The trailer is not included.

As much as I would love to finish this boat I just can't anytime soon our situation has changed, my wife was in a horrible car accident which required several surgeries. That and with 3 daughters and multiple businesses I just don't have the time for this boat. I went out and bought a 35 Cabo Express, my wife's center console days are over. With what I have in paint work alone you are getting the boat for FREE (I paid $15k for the boat) plus Im handing you a pile of cash. I bought this boat to keep so the expense and labor factor were never an issue, it's amazing how fast things can change.This is an amazing opportunity for someone to own a one of a kind piece of history. I don't need to sell this boat but it's a shame to let it sit. Please don't insult me with some ridiculous offer. I have $65,000 in an 18' Potter rebuild that took me three years to complete and I thought might end my marriage with my childhood sweetheart from elementary school (she told me she HATED that boat because I spent all my free time working on it) and has a wiring harness 8 inches in diameter. When I informed her that I might as well sell it she looked at me astonished and said "I will be buried in that boat". Point being, those who love vintage SeaCrafts and know what they are willing go to great extremes, lol.

$15,750 with a Furuno NavNet2 system that has a 4’ open array radar.
I have a ton of stuff I bought to rig the boat that comes with it. Bait, bilge and maceerator pumps as well as all the hoses. It has to be a couple of thousand dollars worth of stuff.

Please email, [email protected], or text your name and number to (305) 879-1526, I have the time each evening and sometimes during the day to respond. Thanks

Photos of the boat can be found under my profile in the album 27' SeaCraft. I apologize and will try and get the pictures onto this ad ASAP.

6UK037577H358582M paypal transaction
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Old 11-17-2018, 06:48 PM
caper caper is offline
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Just wow !
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Old 11-18-2018, 03:32 PM
Vezo, Part II Vezo, Part II is offline
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I want this! Sounds nice. Standing by for pics.

Vezo, Part II
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Old 11-18-2018, 03:45 PM
Vezo, Part II Vezo, Part II is offline
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I reread the post. Is there a price? I am not in the market for a $65,000 SeaCraft 18, though I think I’ve seen it, and it is impressive, to say the least.

State of Confusion,
South Carolina
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Old 11-19-2018, 05:44 PM
Ryan Ryan is offline
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It’s on Craigslist for 15750. Another overpriced project imho
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Old 11-20-2018, 12:11 AM
Vezo, Part II Vezo, Part II is offline
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Thanks man. Checking it out.
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Old 11-24-2018, 02:04 AM
Captain Captain is offline
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Default Mind Blowing

Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
It’s on Craigslist for 15750. Another overpriced project imho
It defies logic the depth of negativity people manage to spend the energy putting forth towards others! It’s amazing that somebody can find fault with all the positive energy that was put into a very special situation. I would find it disheartening only that there have been so many people but have made wonderful and encouraging comments about this boat! has always been such an amazing format for people to share and explore this awesome line of vessels!!! Most of the people that have ever visited the site have found inspiration and joy from the efforts of others. I’m sorry that you don’t share that concept. Countless hours going to these boats with few that can appreciate how much love and dedication of the brand is involved. This is a place that one can get an “atta boy”. You can own as many as you can lay your hands on but when you put down another‘s labors sight unseen it really makes no sense at all. It’s impossible to understand what’s gone into a project without looking at it or at least talking to the person/persons involved. I’m sorry you feel that a 27’ pocket hull SeaCraft with a T-Tower isn’t worth $15k. Is a 27 Conch, Contender, SeaVee, Yellowfin or Intrepid not worth that? Oh wait are they pocket hull? Do they come with a custom T-Tower. Just my $.02. For all of the people that made positive comments, Thanks!
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Old 11-24-2018, 10:03 AM
gofastsandman gofastsandman is offline
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Patiently waiting for pics please.
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Old 11-24-2018, 12:08 PM
Vezo, Part II Vezo, Part II is offline
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Found it GFS, after a nice PM from owner. Craigslist South Florida, search SeaCraft 27. Nice rig, needs power. A little too much boat for me, wish I were fishing that category. It’s pretty bad azz! Have time to come up and show me how to troll gags? Trying to get Ken and Mel to come over prior to the 31st. Plenty of room. Should be down Monday.

Part II
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Old 11-25-2018, 06:18 PM
caper caper is offline
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